Moroccan Activities
Moroccan activities

Moroccan Activities Holidays and festivals

Moroccan Activities celebrates world, national and religious holidays. The latter is treated with great reverence since most of the inhabitants of the country are Muslims. Religious holidays are celebrated quite pompously, in accordance with the canons of Shariah. One of the most important periods is the holy month of Ramadan. During this time, believers observe a fast: no drinking, eating, smoking from sunrise to sunset, even chewing gum, and no bathing. Ramadan is celebrated according to the lunar Islamic calendar, so its period is constantly changing. The Islamic New Year, the birthday of Prophet Mohammed, Uraza Bayram, and Kurban Bayram are also celebrated in style.

More attention from tourists is attracted by secular national holidays and festivals. They come in different scales: city, national, and even international.


the most popular resort is known for the Timitar Folk Music Festival. It takes place in July and is dedicated to the original Berber music culture. Under the open sky, ethnic melodies mingle with the modern rhythms of DJs, rap, hip-hop, and jazz. The biggest stars of the Arab and African scenes headline the event.

In July, Marrakech hosts a folk arts festival. The holiday is reminiscent of the plot of an oriental fairy tale. Circus performances, folklore shows, dances and songs, fire shows of fakirs, and storytelling competitions are waiting for you, and all this is absolutely free.


Is famous for its festival of sacred music. It takes place every year from May – June. The event attracts famous musicians from religious communities of the Middle East, Asia, and the West. Performances take place in the palaces of Fez or at the ruins of the Roman city of Volubilis.

If you want to be deeply immersed in Moroccan Activities and culture, you should pay attention to the mousses, the traditional religious ceremonies. This is how the locals celebrate the end of the harvest or some other event that has occurred in the village. In Morocco Activities, there are mousses of the honey harvest, dates, cherries, and mousses of the engaged. The ceremony necessarily includes the hajj, as well as performances prepared by folklore groups: jigs, fairs, and dances.

Cuisine in Morocco

Traditional Moroccan Activities cuisine is varied and combines recipes of several cultures: Mediterranean, Arabic, Jewish, and Berber. Most hot dishes are based on chicken, lamb, vegetables, fish, and the freshest seafood. Served with cereals and cold cuts. A distinctive feature of Moroccan Activities cuisine is spices. They are added to all dishes for a richer flavor.

What to try in Morocco?

Fruit in Morocco

If you’re watching your figure or just want a snack, consider fruit. The thing about Moroccan Activities, of course, is the citrus fruits. Lemons, oranges, tangerines. No wonder, because they are grown right here. You will find melons, watermelons, oranges, figs, peaches, agave, and dates on the stalls.


To quench your thirst, try traditional green tea with mint and sugar. It is served everywhere. It’s invigorating and a great way to quench thirst.
The Moroccans also love coffee, which is brewed in a special way. It is very strong and invigorating. As with any dish, spices such as cardamom, cloves, aniseed, and a mixture of peppers are added. Coffee is a bit of a connoisseur’s specialty, but you’d better give it a try in order to live up to your expectations.

When it comes to alcohol, remember that Morocco is a Muslim country. They have a negative attitude toward drinking, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. So if you want to drink, it is better not to flaunt it. We recommend buying alcohol in advance duty-free or try the locally produced wines. Wine-making techniques are inherited from the French and Spaniards. As for foreign alcoholic beverages, it is easy to get a fake.

Where is the best place to change the currency in Morocco?

According to the law, in Morocco, transactions are officially allowed only in the national currency “Moroccan dirham”. One dirham is equal to about 7 rubles. Also in circulation are banknotes and coins – centimes. There is no need to go to Morocco with rubles.

Money in Morocco can be exchanged at a hotel, exchange office, or bank. Do not worry, the rate is the same everywhere – it is strictly regulated at the state level. But it is not worth exchanging currency on the black market – it will attract the attention of law enforcement officers.

IMPORTANT: If you have any Moroccan Activities dirhams left, exchange them back into dollars and euros. It is forbidden by law to take national currency out of the country.

For the convenience of tourists, all major hotels and department stores can use bank cards Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.


What to bring from Morocco?

Ideas abound! It all depends on your budget and the space in your suitcase.

Interior Furnishings

Traditional Moroccan Activities ceramics are attractive because of their originality and handmade value. There is a great variety of ceramics, but the most popular among tourists are small tagines, painted plates, and saucepans.

Berber rugs will add authenticity to your interior and remind you of the African country. Carpets in Morocco are made from natural camel or sheep wool. Berber carpets are characterized by bright colors and floral/geometric designs. You can buy them in the markets in Medina, Rabat, and Ouarzazate.

If you don’t need a rug, but like motley ornaments, we recommend looking at Moroccan bedspreads. They also complement the comfort of home and are warm in cold weather.

Traditional lamps will illuminate your home with the best Moroccan traditional activities. In the souvenir shops there are lamps for every taste and color, but especially spectacular are those that cast openwork shadows.

Also as souvenirs from Morocco can be brought African masks and figurines, teapots, articles of thuja, and mirrors.


The slippers with a pointed toe without a butt are in all kinds of colors and shapes. They are not only very comfortable but also beautiful. Decorated with beads and embroidery. We recommend taking a model with a soft leather sole for home.

Natural Cosmetics

The best cosmetics of Moroccan activities will delight you with a wide range and natural composition. Argan oil, which has a lot of useful properties, is a calling card. The product is not cheap, so a lot of fakes. Do not buy argan oil from street vendors and supermarkets. The original is better to buy in a specialized store; the price here will be about 600 dirhams per liter.

Also pay attention to the glycerin soap with natural extracts, a set for the Moroccan Hamam, and aromatic substances (musk, ambergris, jasmine, sandalwood, rose) in the form of dry cubes.


Aromatic spices are a great gift for you or your loved ones. Spices add a spicy touch to dishes and remind you of the colorful African country. Cumin, paprika, cinnamon, ginger, and saffron are popular in the country.

Green tea coffe

After a trip to Morocco, you will miss the local green tea with mint. That’s why we recommend buying tea for homemade tea. Green tea is sold in cubed boxes in souvenir shops and supermarkets. If you like spiced coffee, we recommend buying ground coffee with the spices Asta épicé, which meets all the taste requirements of real Maghreb coffee. Sold in any Moroccan activities supermarket.


Treat yourself and your loved ones with oriental sweets. You can buy cookies, halva, or legendary baklava with honey and nuts.

What can’t you do in Morocco?

Taking pictures of local residents

It is considered disrespectful to photograph Moroccans without their consent. The exceptions are artists, snake charmers, and magicians, but they are more likely to ask for an additional fee. But it is strictly forbidden by law to photograph policemen and soldiers in the country.

Insult the local faith and traditions

Morocco is a Muslim country, so we urge you to be tolerant of other religions. Smirks and jokes are best kept to yourself, otherwise, you risk being beaten or arrested.

Free to visit mosque

Unlike in Turkey, only Muslims are allowed to visit mosques in Morocco. The exception is the Hassan II Mosque, which can be visited by anyone.

Drinks tap water

The quality of water is quite questionable, so we strongly advise drinking only bottled water.

Taking dirhams out of the country

If you have any Moroccan dirhams left, exchange them back into dollars and euros. It is forbidden by law to take national currency out of the country.

How to travel in Morocco?

Cabs in Morocco

If you prefer comfort, then take a cab. By the way, it is inexpensive here, so cabs in Morocco are used by the locals themselves. The cost is based on the meter, but you can also bargain. A city trip costs about 40 dirhams and from the airport to the city you can get on average 250 dirhams.

There are 2 types of cabs in Morocco. The first, the petite taxi, rides up to three people within the city. The second, the grand taxi, is for long-distance trips and can accommodate more than 3 people.
For your own safety, only take yellow cabs.

Car rental in Morocco

If you want to explore Morocco and be free to move around, it is of course ideal to rent a car. You can rent a car at the airport, hotels, and points located in the resort areas. We recommend renting a car in Morocco to proven international companies: Avis, Herz, Sixt, and others. The cost of car rental with air conditioning: 500-1000 Moroccan dirhams per day.

IMPORTANT: you must be very careful on the roads: local drivers do not always follow the European rules of the road. Do not get behind the wheel while intoxicated – in Morocco, the fines are very high, and the police are incorruptible.


The main advantage of the bus is its cheapness. Ticket prices range from 30 to 90 dirhams. As a rule, city buses are always full of people. Do not try to vote – buses only stop at designated stops.

Intercity buses are suitable for longer journeys.

Railway service

If you plan to travel to cities in Morocco, the train is a great alternative to the bus. The train service in Morocco is excellent and offers passengers different levels of comfort: ordinary, comfortable, and comfortable high-speed trains. Long-distance trains have air conditioning, buffets, and bars. Ticket prices depend on the distance and range from 40 to 150 dirhams.

Water transport

Moroccan Activities is located near the Strait of Gibraltar, so there is a developed water transport to Spain. Traveling by ferry will cost 30 euros. When buying a ticket you need to provide a Schengen visa.

Accommodation in Morocco

Hotels in Morocco

In Morocco, there are hotels of all categories. When choosing a hotel, note that often the stardom does not correspond to the actual. Most hotels were built a long time ago and can not boast excellent service and room stock. But as well as in Tunisia, at good hotels work thalassotherapy centers. Tourists do not come here to stay in the hotel, but for the magnificent coast and color.

Also, hotels do not have an all-inclusive system, so the food system often includes only a European-style breakfast.

Communication in Morocco

You can buy a SIM card for faster communication, which costs from 30 to 50 dirhams depending on the tariff plan. Mobile communications are represented by three major mobile operators: Maroc Telecom, Orange, and INWI.

What about Wifi

Hotels have free and paid Wi-Fi. Also, the wireless network works in some cafes, restaurants, and spas in Morocco.

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Trips Around Morocco


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