Hand of Fatima
Hand of Fatima

Hand of Fatima

The talisman “Hand of Fatima” talisman has been known since ancient times, particularly among the people of the Eastern and Muslim countries. The sign is also referred to as the “Hand of Miriam”, “Hamsa”, “Palm of Hamesh,” and the Turkish eye. Since ancient times, a talisman has been used to attract happiness. As a result, it is important to grasp what it represents and how to wear it properly.

The origins of Hand of Fatima name

This emblem is the best protection against the evil eye and negative ideas in the East, and it gives peace to the owner’s life. People have been afraid of the evil eye since antiquity. The amulet is intended to protect the owner from the evil eye and to absorb the hit.

The sign of the open hand now has a specific meaning. He brings together all of the world’s religions, demonstrating the unity of all peoples and beliefs. The sign demonstrates the existence of a single origin for all world faiths. It is seen as a symbol of world unity and peace.

Hand of Fatima resembles

Fatima’s hand resembles an open palm with three fingers joined together, and the pinky and thumb are identical. The talisman holds enormous significance in various faiths, particularly Judaism and Islam. The amulet existed long before these religions, but it was they who made it famous. In Arabic, the word “Hamsa” signifies “five.” Each religion that mentions the amulet associates it with religious laws or rules. The symbol of the open hand is closely related with the feminine and holds the meaning of the holy lady, who is Fatima in Islam, Miriam in Judaism, and the Virgin Mary in Christianity.

Muslims have a narrative concerning the talisman’s genesis. It narrates the story of the prophet Muhammad’s daughter. Fatima was preparing halwa (food) over the fire when her husband Ali entered the house with a second young wife. Men of the Muslim faith are permitted to have more than one wife. Fatima dropped the spoon with which she was using to stir the dish, but was amazed that she didn’t notice and proceeded to stir the boiling food with her bare hand, despite being scorched by the heat.

Fatima’s mental agony and pain outweighed her physical afflictions. Ali, horrified by Fatima’s feelings, abandoned his young bride and remained true to his first wife for the rest of his life. Since then, Hand of Fatima has been seen as a sign of patience, hope, resilience, and conquering challenges in life. Fatima’s charms were also thought to represent patience, hope, and endurance in the face of adversity. As a result, the amulet possesses healing properties.

The talisman is used to decorate homes in Muslim countries, and it is the most powerful charm for home protection. Gold and silver engravings feature the image of an open palm. According to legend, a dwelling protected by the amulet will never catch fire.

The Jewish faith associates the genesis of the talisman with Miriam, the prophet Moses’ sister. The amulet is embellished with an image of an open eye, signifying God’s eye, in accordance with religious canons. The name “Hamsa” is derived from the Aramaic word “Hamsha,” which translates as “five” and represents the five holy books of the Torah.

The sign of the open hand can be found in many religious paintings in Orthodoxy. The artwork is highly similar of the Christian amulet “Hand of God. It protects wanderers and frequently appears out of the clouds at times of bad weather and adversity. Signs of confidence in God and the Holy Trinity frequently emerge in the sky in Christianity. Hamsa protects travelers and directs them to the right way. The Hand of God (the outline of God’s hand) came in the sky and blessed those who live on Earth, according to mythology. Many Orthodox priests reject the emblem, believing that the believer can only defend the cross. The faith’s priests restrict parishioners from wearing any amulets other than the cross.

A general overview of The symbol

There are numerous variations of the cross image on the Internet. An open palm with symmetrical thumb and little finger connects them. To increase the magical power of the base, each faith adds its own symbols:

  • The open eye a six-pointed star
  • A crescent moon, and a star
  • Several ancient writings

The most frequently encountered symbol on the “Hand of Fatima” is the open eye. It boosts the amulet’s protecting abilities. It is thought that the open eye reflects negative energy directed towards the user. And ancient characters and prayer lines are more commonly found on the reverse side of the hand (closer to the body).

Khamsa is traditionally done in blue (blue) colors to increase the protective energy. Muslims frequently embellish their amulets with semi-precious and valuable stones in blue or sky colors. There are also khamsa that have been coated with reflective enamel or another type of special mirror coating. This is thought to improve the amulet’s defensive qualities.

Precious or semi-precious stones might be chosen based on the wearer’s zodiac sign.

Hand of Fatima Meaning

The talisman’s fundamental meaning is patience, humility, and faith in the future. Some people believe that khamsa can help you find the proper way, overcome obstacles, and attain inner harmony. The open palm represents the proper road and prosperity in business.

Because talismans are utilized in different religions, their worth changes according to legends and customs. We can even say that the magical power of the sign is chosen by the individual. Each country adds its own elements to the talisman, giving it unique meaning.

The open palm represents a person who has developed all of his five senses and has disclosed his sixth sense, intuition. The sign is not symmetrical for no reason and does not replicate the actual shapes of the human palm. The symmetry of the amulet represents the wearer’s inner world’s harmony with the external surroundings. The five senses (fingers) working in tandem aid in learning about the world and oneself.

Five fingers indicate a happy family in Islam. The family values all of their fingers equally, and they love and support one another. Together, they can withstand any adversity, including nasty looks and backbiting.

Slavs and Old Believers used to decorate their homes with a palm leaf, “Hamsa,” which is said to protect the home and family. To protect the family from the evil eye, the figure was drawn over the front door. Nonetheless, talismans are more common among eastern peoples. It is very uncommon among Slavs.

Hand of Fatima for females

The hand of Fatima is traditionally regarded as a female amulet. For women, the emblem represents harmony and concord in the family, as well as tranquillity in the house. Women in the East decorate their homes with the talisman, hoping to protect their families and marriages from jealous people and foes. Unmarried girls wear “Hamsu” in the hope of finding a suitable husband. Pregnant ladies amulet will protect against spoiling, ease birthing, and promote maternal and child health. Amulets assist men in igniting love and passion in their hearts and in remaining faithful to their wives. Couple amulets at spouses aid in the formation of partnerships and the maintenance of marital happiness.

Hand of Fatima for males

In general, it is believed in the East that the “Hand of Fatima” is just for women and can only help them. Men’s amulets can be useful in the car. He will indicate the correct route, avoid accidents and other issues on the road, and defend the vehicle from theft.

Talisman improves men’s sense of duty for their families and children, bestowing wisdom to the head of the household. The sign guards against bad external influences and encourages career advancement or business development.

Activation and Charging

A new talisman has no power unless it is activated. It will be nothing more than a decoration. It is important to charge the ornament and activate its magical powers before it may begin to function. If you buy a talisman on your own, handle it in your hands at first. It is preferable if you sense a connection to the amulet. Then its strength will be multiplied many times over.

The amulet and its defensive properties can be charged in two ways. The first option is more popular, although it is more complicated. The second option is less difficult but less popular.

  • The first method requires gathering all four elements – earth, water, air, and fire. Talisman is immersed in water, then passed through the flame of a candle (ideally red). basically Then the smoke from the flame, and finally buried with earth (or sand). It is vital to visualize the amulet’s power throughout all actions.
  • The sequence of events is not required. During each action, the words “I activate you with air (fire, earth, or water) in accordance with the element” must be said. Following that, say a prayer.
  • The second method is more straightforward. Take hold of the talisman. Recite a prayer while holding it over a lit candle. During the prayer, picture the protection energy filling the amulet and surrounding the bearer. It is vital to beg the amulet for protection and assistance during the prayer. There are many different types of prayers, but their intent is the same; the key thing is to believe in their power and assistance. The talisman only starts working after it has been charged with protective energy.

Carrying Methods and Rules

The amulet is best worn as a necklace pendant or as a bracelet on the left hand. The main criterion is touch with the owner’s skin, which intensifies the talisman’s function.

Wearing a talisman is also not subject to any religious restrictions or prohibitions. Amulets can be worn as jewelry (pendant, bracelet, earrings, or ring), as embroidery on garments or as a beaded brooch, as a keychain for house or car keys, or as a tattoo in the shape of an open palm. Many people like to wear an amulet in the form of a necklace pendant made of silver or gold and embellished with beautiful stones.

On the left hand, a silver “Hamsa” on a crimson thread will shield from the evil eye, while on the right, it will aid in finding the right path and achieving inner harmony.

A tattoo of Hand of Fatima is best placed on the back between the shoulder blades. Of course, provided it does not infringe religious canons, you can get a tattoo on your neck, wrist, or leg. The tattoo “Hamsa” is popular in Hinduism and among Indian tribes. The back tattoo defends against attacks from behind (from the back).

Wearing “Hamsa” was officially prohibited for Orthodox Christians until the XVI century. Later, church leaders announced that Christians could wear the hand emblem if they had complete faith in the power of the amulet, with which the Orthodox endowed it (protection on the road and an indication of the right road) Christians cannot wear the amulet with a cross. advocates of the “Hamsa” say that it should be worn because it originated in Jerusalem and was originally lit in the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre. As a result, Christians can wear it. However, you should not wear an amulet alongside a body cross, as the Orthodox cross protects you from all kinds of harm. Other amulets (including signs of the zodiac) are also considered pagan symbols.

Wearing this charm on the left hand brings the feminine into play. It bestows knowledge, mercy, sympathy for others, restraint, and loyalty on the possessor. When Wearing on the right hand enhances male vitality, aids in work, and contributes to the owner’s and his family’s material wealth.

The image of the sign can be used as a wall decoration in the home. Hamsa images can be used to embellish furniture or textiles (curtains, plaid, etc.). There are no hard and fast laws in this regard.

The direction of the fingers is the same in all religions (up or down). Both have a protecting quality. Esotericists, on the other hand, connect a palm pointed upwards with protective power. When an adult wears the “Hand of Fatima,” he is guided in the right course and is given strength and faith. The talisman protects little children and teenagers against evil ideas and the evil eye.

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