Marrakech is one of the most famous cities in the country of Morocco. so what are the top things to see and discover in the red city of Marrakech?

Jemaâ el-Fna Square

It is one of the things to see in Marrakech. When you arrive there, the first thing to do is to go to “The Square” as you will hear Moroccans say. Jemaâ el-Fna is truly the heart of Marrakech, the crossroads of the city where everything is concentrated. No matter where you are, you will regularly come across a Marrakchi to ask you “are you looking for the Square my friend? It’s over there”.

Right after I put my bag in my hotel, I immediately went to the Jemaâ el-Fna square to get in the mood. In the morning, it is quite deserted, then, as the day goes by, the stores and fruit juice stands open one after the other… At 1 pm, the traffic becomes forbidden to leave the place to the shows. Other exhibitors start to make Marrakech live with the sound of instruments and the colors of the Berber costumes.

The terraces of the cafes and restaurants fill up. Historically, the “Place of the Dead” was the place of court decisions (12th century). Then, making the link between the cities of the West and the lands of the Atlas and the desert. It quickly became the place of trade and entertainment in the city. Since 2008, it is even registered with the Intangible Cultural Heritage by Unesco. More info and pictures are in my article on Jemaâ el-Fna square.

Jemaâ el-Fna at night

But it is at night that Jemaâ el-Fna takes all its intensity. The square is swarming like an anthill! From foreign tourists on a trip to Marrakech to Moroccan families visiting for the weekend to simple locals strolling around, everyone meets here at night. The atmosphere is completely hallucinating! And I weigh my words. We are taken in a lot of stands where everything is agitated. We talk about shows of any kind (falcon trainers, snake charmers, traditional dancers, henna tattooers, fortune tellers, water carriers, fairground games…). And all this in the din of multiple bands playing their ecstatic music next to each other. You are literally washed out when you come out of there. If you are agoraphobic, run away!

The Koutoubia and its gardens

Located right next to the Jemaâ el-Fna square, the Koutoubia Mosque is emblematic with its large minaret over 70 meters high (77 m with the spire). Built-in the 12th century, it inspired the architecture of the Giralda in Seville. Access to the interior is forbidden to non-Muslims. It is therefore necessary to be satisfied with the external architecture. If the whole is rather sober, the minaret, surmounted by a lantern, has been finely sculpted with interlaced arches (sebka), merlons, and bands of blue faience. Its golden stones receive the sun as the day goes by.

Also, note that each of the four sides is decorated with a different motif. The copper balls of the arrow are said to symbolize the three mosques of Islam. Kaaba (Mecca), Medina, and Al Quds. Legend has it that they were originally made with melted gold from the jewelry of the Caliph’s wife. Because she had eaten during the day in Ramadan.

Adjacent to the Koutoubia, one can discover the ruins of the old mosque in the north, which were uncovered during archaeological excavations. This one was destroyed and rebuilt identically (current Koutoubia). And that is because the Mihrab (prayer niche) was not perfectly oriented in the direction of Mecca. If, like me, you feel at some point the need to take a breather from the hustle and bustle of the Medina, go and sit in the gardens of the Lalla Hasna Park. Here, the nerves are relaxed by the sound of flowing water. The smell of orange blossoms perfumes the park.

The souks of Marrakech

This is the other place to fully immerse yourself in the life of Marrakech. And it is true that in the souks, it is a brothel! (well without the girls of joy obviously, you understood me!). The fantasy of the Arabian souk is the colors, the spices perfumes… Well… almost but not quite! For my part, I had a hard time with the bikes and especially the mopeds that pass by. Honk if you don’t walk on the right and smoke you with their exhaust. Then, we are constantly accosted with more or less insistence. As a result, you end up being more and more psychologically allergic.

The word souk means “market”, and each has its own specificity in Marrakech with dedicated shopping streets. There is the souk of ironmongers, tanners, leatherworkers, fruit and vegetables, butchers, sellers of babouches and djellabas… The streets are mostly covered with metal sheets to protect passers-by from the rain and the sun (it is far from the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II). One has the impression to wander in a labyrinthine underground gallery. Even after 3 days of visiting Marrakech, getting lost more or less voluntarily, passing and passing again in the same places. I almost never managed to know precisely where I was and to find the way I wanted. It was as if I was teleporting in spite of myself, or as if the city was being redesigned as I went along, like a Cube. And yet I think I have a pretty good sense of direction.

What to visit in Marrakech?

The Medersa Ben Youssef

When you visit Marrakech, discovering the Medersa is one of the must-see things Marrakech. Well, it seems so because when I went to Morocco, it was closed for restoration (until the end of 2019 / beginning of 2020). I confess that I was quite disgusted when I learned that on the spot. Because, from the pictures, it really looks splendid! This Koranic school was founded at the beginning of the XIVth century. Then enlarged and redecorated by the Saadians in the XIVth century. It became then the biggest school in North Africa with its 900 students who came to study law and theology (competed by the one of Fez, it closed in 1962 then became a museum).

Even if you are not Muslim, you can (normally) visit the Medersa, a remarkable symbol of Arab-Andalusian aesthetics. After passing through the bronze door, adorned with beautiful wooden sculptures and mosaics, you arrive in a splendid courtyard of Carrara marble, surrounded by walls finely decorated with reliefs and colors. On the first floor, you can see the 132 student cells arranged around a large patio. A prayer room with three marble columns and a magnificent cedar dome.

The Majorelle Garden

The Jardin Majorelle is announced as the other things to see in Marrakech. I must admit that I had some serious preconceived ideas about it… Looking at the pictures on the internet, I thought that it looked very western and that it wasn’t what I came to see in a Maghreb city.

Then, after thinking about it, I had come here to do things and so I said to myself “well, ok, we’ll see after all! “To visit the Jardin Majorelle, you have to leave the Medina and go to the North, in the New City of Marrakech (very badly indicated, 1/2h on foot from the Jemaâ el-Fna square). Once there, it was a nice queue that… was waiting for me. Plan cap and bottle of water because we are in full sun until 2 pm! You surely have to see this garden as it is considered one of the top things to see in Marrakech.

What to see in Majorelle garden:

After more than an hour in line and 70 dirhams paid for the entrance (only, not the Berber Museum), I enter this oasis in the city that the orientalist painter Jacques Majorelle created in the 1920s: a garden of 8000 m2 where he planted hundreds of different species of exotic plants. It was Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Bergé who made the place famous by buying it back in 1980, after years of abandonment.

Once inside, I immediately appreciated it (and not only for the shady coolness of the bamboos after the hot weather). In spite of the crowd, a perfume of serenity emanates from the site. Along the alleys, we walk among cactus, palm trees, banana trees, coconut trees, bougainvilleas, agaves, and cactus… A discreet monument, modest (although phallic?) pays tribute to the late owners. Among the places to stop, there is the small water lily pond with frogs and carp (you will have to be patient to get there in front of the hordes of self-centered people who squat to take pictures of themselves).

things to do in marrakech

The iconic Art Deco house with Majorelle blue does not fail to make the place aesthetically pleasing. It is the gathering place of the garden. Its deep and intense blue color “contrasts harmoniously” with the yellow parts and finally fits very well in its vegetal environment. If you have not bought a ticket for the Berber Museum, only two interior spaces are accessible (the souvenir store and the fashion store).

The Museum of Marrakech

My second day in Marrakech was the day of the big spring rains and therefore, I went to see one of the admired things to see in Marrakech, this museum… of the museums. As the Medersa was closed, I “fell back” on the Marrakech Museum that I had spotted the day before while walking in the souks. Built around 1900 by Medhi Mnebhi, then Minister of Defense, the palace was then the residence of the pasha el-Glaoui before Omar Benjelloun, a great collector and patron of the arts, created a museum there (admission 50 dirhams).

One is greeted by a quotation from Voltaire and a statement by the widow Benjelloun on art and tolerance. This immediately sets the tone. The first rooms tell the story of the place and the founder through archival documents (photographs, newspapers, objects …). After the douiria, we arrive at the splendid patio, marked by its masterly suspended wrought copper lamp. That imposes!

The decoration of the Museum of Marrakech

Beyond the fact that I really liked this museum, the visit, in my opinion, is already worth it just for this room! The zelliges decorate the floor, the walls, and the columns while the fine woodcarving of the arches impresses and seduces. The two doors on either side of the inner courtyard are sumptuous with their painted wooden panels! On the sides, small rooms serve as galleries with display cases showing various collectibles. Don’t forget to look up to admire the decorated ceilings.

things to see in marrakech

Strolling through the corridors at the back of the palace, you will discover the three rooms in the former hammam that now house temporary exhibitions. On your way back to the exit, if you haven’t already done so at the beginning, take a little tour of the old kitchen. The douiria is “a space within a space” with its small rooms around another courtyard, soberly decorated with green ceramics on white walls. It is now a gallery exhibiting works by contemporary Moroccan artists.

The el-Badi Palace

I went to visit the el-Badi Palace… no mistake! I had planned to go there but I was in the wrong place. In fact, I was wandering around the neighborhood looking for the Bahia Palace without really looking at the tourist map of Marrakech and I stumbled upon it a bit by chance. Badi… Bahia… in its cradle: there is only one step to confusion! Especially since in fact, the name of this monument is written here “Badia Palace” on the signs. The two almost homonymous palaces are located a few hundred meters from each other. You can see that it’s almost not all my fault!

Once inside, the tour of this ruined palace begins with the old prisons and tells its history. Then, you get to the huge courtyard (135 meters long and 110 wide) with its big basins and its gardens that breathe the orange blossom (the plan would have inspired the one of the Alhambra of Granada). One can imagine the splendor it must have been when it was built in the 16th century, but here it is almost desolate. The story goes that its owner, Sultan Ahmed el-Mansour, had covered the floor with gold, crystals etc… and that the palace was looted just… 75 years later. Furthermore, this thing to see in Marrakech is best for those who love gardens and nature.

Around 1696, the Alaouite Sultan Moulay Ismaïl ordered its demolition (the materials would have been reused in Meknes for the construction of his royal city). From now on, the current residents are… storks! You can see a lot of them nesting on the towers and the adobe walls.

things to see in marrakesh

A walk around the Badi palace

The rest of the visit to the Badi Palace consists essentially of walking through the remains, a stroll between the walls still standing with, sometimes, some remains of zelliges in a more or less dilapidated state. If like me, you have paid the extra 10 dirhams, you will have access to a small room where the “masterpiece” of the palace is exposed, the old minbar of the Koutoubia Mosque dating from the 12th century. A feat of marquetry and ornamentation, it is a symbol of Andalusian-Arabic art.

To be honest, the Badi Palace does not have intrinsically much exceptional in itself and its visit seems quite hollow… Nevertheless, one of its interests is, all the same, its terrace. It gives a plunging view of the inner courtyard and especially a panorama on the roofs of Marrakech with the Atlas Mountains in the distance. After that, you have to admit that the entrance fee is really not expensive (≃ 1€). I tell myself that he could double the price to finance the restoration of the place… For info, the Palais Badi is the place where the Marrakech Laughter Festival, created by Jamel Debbouze, takes place every year.

the beautifully decorated room

At the closing time (5 pm), I still hadn’t found the beautifully decorated room I saw in my guidebook. I clearly felt like I had missed THE thing to see in this palace. On my way out, I asked the guard at the entrance who gave me the cold shoulder with all the condescension and disdain one can have towards a western tourist like me: “Excuse me. Do you speak French? “, “No. It’s over, out! “. I let you imagine how it boiled in me at that moment and the effervescence of the sadistic solutions imagined to teach him courtesy! Anyway, let’s move on. It’s just a little later than I realize that the room in question is actually in the Palace… Bahia.

The Bahia Palace

The next day, I (re)set out to visit the Bahia Palace (“Palace of the Beautiful”) which I had missed the day before. This vast residence (8 hectares) was built on the orders of the Grand Vizier Ahmed Ben Moussa between 1860 and 1874 to accommodate his 4 wives and 24 concubines. It was intended to accommodate the world and, the least we can say, it is still the case! All the travelers who come to Marrakech for tourism come here. If you have a lot of time in Marrakech, The Bahia palace is surely a must-see attraction.

The halls and gardens are black with people, with this insatiable tendency to take pictures all the time. You have to be extremely patient if you want to get a window of opportunity where you won’t have your picture spoiled for the traveling narcissists (yes, I have a real annoyance with selfies!). However, that doesn’t take away from the beauty of the place which is absolutely remarkable! The rooms follow one another with the same splendor. The marquetry of the doors, the ceilings, and the lintels are sublime with their multiple geometrical patterns. One crosses several interior courts and gardens with fountains, plants (orange trees, banana trees), and small confidential rooms around. In fact, the palace is a collection of houses and annexes, built next to each other, without any pre-established order.

things to see in marrakech

The decorative styles

The large main courtyard is magnificent. After the small rooms, it’s a breath of fresh air here on the vast tiled floor. After the crowds in the halls (and the return of the sun too!), I really took the time to breathe here and observe the different decorative styles. The ceilings in the side aisles are all colorful, as are the stained glass windows in the back room. The door is also sumptuous and finely carved. I could also rate this site as the best thing to see here in Marrakech for its creative architecture

Just after, we arrive in the “Grand Riad” where the vegetation abounds. The two cedar porticoes are once again of remarkable beauty and finesse. While strolling in the alleys, a soft exotic freshness caresses the shoulders. The rooms that follow are… yes, again! What amazed me also in the Bahia Palace of Marrakech, is that every time you think you’ve arrived at the last part, well no, there is still something after. It feels like it never ends and at the same time, I was never bored. I was amazed every time by the beauty of the rooms and their decorative details.

In the last room (yes, it happens anyway at some point), while I was waiting for a gap in the tourist flow, a guard observes me with sympathy. He greets me (it changes me from the other one of the day before at the Badi Palace) then we start chatting. He explains to me the Arab aesthetics with the ceiling, its symmetry with the ground, the Islamic star with eight branches, and the three recurrent motives (calligraphic, geometrical, and stars) of the history of the Bahia Palace. Very interesting! Nevertheless, the speech had something of the monologue recited with automatism… A doubt was born… And bim, it did not fail, he concluded by asking me for a coin in exchange! “Welcome to Marrakech, my friend!”

The best attraction thing to see in Marrakech!

Visiting the Bahia Palace was a real pleasure! If you had to visit only one tourist place in Marrakech, I would sincerely recommend this one! The entrance fee of 10 dirhams is completely ridiculous compared to all the splendors you can see inside. I spent 2h30 there but took my time a lot (1 hour can be “enough”).

I also wanted to visit another palace that is apparently almost as magnificent, the Dar Si Said Palace. Built by Ahmed Ben Moussa’s brother, it looks a lot like the Bahia Palace which is located a few hundred meters away. It houses the Museum of Moroccan Arts highlighting the crafts.

The Saadian Tombs

Finding the entrance to the Saadian Tombs of Marrakech is a little challenge in itself. You have to walk past the entrance of the Moulay El Yazid Mosque and along the wall to the small souvenir store that sells postcards. The entrance is located in the corner on the left, in what looks like a dead end. It is immediately clear why they were only rediscovered in 1917 by French archaeologists (Sultan Moulay Ismaïl had them walled up to lock up the spirits of his predecessors). At the ticket office, the guy has already started to complain because I don’t have the change for the 10 dirhams entrance fee (finally, he will have the change…). You should definitely visit these tombs, they are one of the top things to see in Marrakech.

After skirting the walls in a narrow passage, we arrive at an architectural in-between with about sixty tombs. It is surrounded by colored ceramics with various patterns and shapes. Some are simply placed on the ground (protected behind barriers, visitors stay on the walkways). The small ones are chilling…

Some of them, more prestigious, are housed in open mausoleums. Two rooms are particularly richly and finely decorated. Access to one of them, the Hall of the Twelve Columns, requires to queue (20 minutes in my case) because the access is done by a small cramped passage. You can’t stay there for very long or you will be yelled at by the guard and the others who are waiting for their turn. Nevertheless, observe anyway the ornamental richness with the carved reliefs on the walls, the arches, and the ceilings in cedar. Sumptuous! The Saadians were a rich dynasty established in Marrakech in the 16th century and had a sense of splendor.

The Museum of Photography is one of the must-see things in Marrakech

I didn’t visit it either (no time to do everything in 3 days: visit Marrakech, the souks, all the museums…) but it seems that it is really worth the detour. Created in 2009 on a private initiative, the Museum of Photography of Marrakech tells the story of Morocco through pictures exposed on its three floors: historical images of the beginnings of travel photography (second half of the nineteenth century), portraits, landscapes, scenes of the life of the time … The collection includes nearly 10,000 documents from 1870 to 1960. No doubt that its visit will be on the agenda of my next trip to Morocco.

In all honesty, going through Marrakech was a trying experience for me. Clearly, I rather hated the (tourist) life in the city with its agitation, its noise, its permanent solicitations… It is exhausting! Going to the desert for 7 days afterward did me a lot of good. Nevertheless, I appreciated much more the visits to be made in Marrakech. They were for me refuges in the city, parentheses where time seemed (finally!) to slow down and where I could serenely enjoy the beauties of the Arab aesthetic. Moreover, the prices are very affordable! Now it’s up to you to choose according to your time and your desires! For advice and good addresses, please refer to my practical guide. We hope you like this guide of the top things to see in Marrakech.

The dunes of Merzouga and other nearby oases

At 35 km from Rissani, 50 km from Erfoud and 130 from Errachidia, along the N-13 road, is this impressive dune complex called Er Chebbi. Read more about Things to do in Merzouga in this article.

It is an area with sandy “erg” and stone “hamada” deserts. There are channels of dry rivers on which oases follow each other in which population nuclei are installed. The Erg Chebbi is the most accessible and therefore the best known of the small ergs. It is located between the massif of Taouz and the hamada (rocky desert).

It is about 20 km long and 5 km wide, and some of its pyramidal dunes exceed a hundred meters in height. The sand of its dunes has the typical orange color of Saharan sands and is composed almost exclusively of quartz grains.

It is located to the west next to the low valley of the Ziz, where the river emanating from the Atlas mountain range is swallowed by the desert sands, occasionally floods and lagoons take place. It’s one of the top things to do in Merzouga, standing out during the rainy season (between February and March), the lagoon of Daya Tamda lies 3 km to the west where birds such as the pink flamingo abound. To the east, there is the stony hamada that extends to ‘Algeria.

Next to the dunes, surrounded by palm trees, there are three villages: Hassi Labied, to the east, which is distinguished by its palm grove, 5 km to the south is Merzouga, which has grown in recent years thanks to the development of this type of tourism and agriculture, and Khemliya, 6 km, south of the previous one, which is characterized by its ancient black African population, quiet and warm people, with customs different from the rest of the country, especially their famous Gnawa folklore.

What to see in Merzouga

Merzouga is one of the most important tourist sites in Morocco for Sahara and adventure tourism, with a huge offer of hotels, hostels and Riads.

It is a very well organized destination with offers of excursions in the dunes, in dromedaries, 4×4, quad.

Beautiful tourist camps have been set up in the palm groves of the interior, where you can eat with a show and spend the nights in the sand with a typical dinner and music, with the comfort of a hotel watching the sunrise. There are many fossils in the area. They belong to the Upper Cretaceous and remains of dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles and fish have been found.

Its fauna is exotic, with birds in the lagoon area, reptiles such as the spiny lizard, horned viper and sand viper and mammals such as gerbils, hedgehogs and desert foxes.

To sleep, among the quality establishments, you will find at the foot of the dunes, the hotels most of the time of 3* or lower, located near the road, next to the dunes and in the area of the villages.

You will find in particular the hotels Timbuktu, Merzouga, the Kasbah Erg Chebbi, the Valleys of the Dunes, Sahara, Kanz Erremal, Kasbah Mohayut and Camel Trekking. There are also Bivouacs, hotels in the typical stores of the Sahara. The best known are Bivouac Merzouga Tours, Radaoin, Sahara. In Khemlya you will also find good accommodations, such as the Nomad Palace 3 *, the Kasbah house Khemlia and Ksar Khemlia. See Khamilya hotels.

To eat, the classic Café Nora…

Other attractions:

International music festival and the Sadaka festival of Gnawa music.

International sports events: Africa Merzouga Rally, Titan Desert cycling race, the Merzouga Marathon and the Marathon de Sables.


Ten kilometers to the east are the Mfis mines, once used as work camps by the French.
Here the famous kohl was obtained from ground galena powder used in cosmetics.

Things to do in Merzouga: Taouz

To the south, by the asphalt road N-13, after 25 km, is this oasis in the middle of the hamada, next to the dry bed of the river Ziz, inhabited by the Aït Khebbache, belonging to the confederation of the Aït Atta, nomads of the plains of the Ziz and the Maider.
It was a garrison of the French Foreign Legion, today a local administrative center, with a military surveillance station at the Algerian border located 20 km away.

This small village is composed of adobe houses and offers all services.

Nearby is Jebel Ouafilal, a black rock formation where the old iron mines of Taghalouit are located.

It is a place of passage and rest on the Saharan roads, although without quality accommodation.

Tracks to Zagora

Things to do in Merzouga: Ouzina

From Taouz there is a track for 4×4 vehicles heading west, which follows the Ziz valley until reaching this oasis, 30 km away, located between dark and arid mountains and surrounded by golden dunes, it is a spectacular Saharan landscape.
It has charming hotels (Kasbah Ouzina) next to the dunes, the Albergue Porte du Sahara, the Riad Ouzina and Ouzina Rimal.
See Taouz-Ouzina hotels.
To the north is Jdaid, with the accommodation Auberge Itrane sahara.

Things to do in Merzouga: Ramlia

From Ouzina, the trail continues west to this small oasis, 27 km away, located in a hot arid erg dominated by the great red sand barrier of Jebel Zireg, here is the Hotel Aghbalou Ramlia Guesthouse.

A sandy area where fossils abound, including those of dinosaurs and sometimes the area is flooded by the rivers Ziz and Rheris, which join here before entering the hamada.

From here to the north there are tracks to Alnif and Mcisi on the Rissani-Zagora highway.

The track continues through the oasis of Tafraout Ait Atta, surrounded by arid mountains where you can stay in a Riad or Camping auberge.
Towa the north there are tracks to Mcissi.

Towards the west is the spectacularly beautiful Daya el Maider valley, which floods with rain.

To the north, it is worth visiting the oasis of Found Mharech, 15 km from Ramlya, also called “Bethlehem’s stable” for its beauty, in an area of gorges, an obligatory passage to cross these mountains. It offers incredible desert landscapes and coexistence with the Berbers of this region, the Ait Atta. It is an area of halt on the roads of Merzouga – Zagora and towards the north of Mcissi – Tinguir. To sleep: Riad Nomad.

The track to Zagora, continues westward until arriving at the Tisserdemine oasis and crosses the mountains of Tadrart, through the difficult passage of Tizi Tafialet, to access later the Draa Valley through Zagora, covering about 200 km. From Tisserdemine, to the north there is a track that takes us to the oasis of Tarbalt, between the mountains of Jebel Sarhro and connects it with Tazzarine.

Another alternative from Tafraout is to take a track further south through the dry hamada to Mhamid. This road is long and dangerous because it crosses unpopulated areas near the Algerian border.



Erfoud is located 50 km north by road or by a track that crosses a hamada.
Small town, administrative center and market. We recommend you to visit the circuit of fossils.

It is a tourist center with an excellent hotel offer. See hotels in Erfoud.

From this city, roads follow the palm grove of the Rheris river and lead to the road of the thousand Kasbahs through Tineguir and the Gorges of Todra, or through the palm grove of Ziz, to end in Errachidia.

Things to do in Merzouga: Rissani

Important palm grove that was a base for the ancient caravans that crossed the Sahara to Timbuktu, whose ruins can still be seen.
Birthplace of the current Alaoui dynasty, venerating the tomb of its founder Moulay el Chérif.
Palm trees and Kasbahs abound in the city. You will find a lively souk where you will discover local handicrafts, southern jewelry, rustic objects and a wide variety of fossils.

From this town begins a road N-12 that crosses the Saharan Atlas towards Zagora and the Draa Valley.

The hotel offer is simpler than in the previous cities, you will find the hotels Asmaa and Ennasra.

In Morocco and western Algeria, women prepare a dish for breaking the fast: harira.

Moroccan soup is the best thing to drink.

In this article, you will get to know about the Moroccan soup. For all practicing Muslims, during the month of Ramadan, the Qur’an is clear: no eating from dawn to sunset. “Eat and drink until the white thread of dawn is distinguished for you from the black thread of night. Then perform the fast until night”, dictates the sacred text. The ordeal is hard… and even harder when, from mid-day, the first smells of coriander escape from the kitchens, coming to titillate the hollow stomachs. During the breaking of the fast, women prepare harira, a soup that is easy to prepare in large quantities, and to share – generosity towards the poorest is one of the rules of the fasting month.

The Moroccan soup or harira is part of an ancient tradition, inherited from an Andalusian soup, the bufertuna (from buena fortuna, “good luck”). The exegetes find mention as early as the ninth century of a soup with seven ingredients that resembles it. Inside, diced beef, mutton or chicken, legumes (lentils and chickpeas), crushed tomatoes, spices, herbs, a dash of lemon juice… And, to bind it all together, a crucial ingredient: leaven. It gives the dish its slightly acidic taste and its slightly thick texture.

Every day, after hours of not eating or drinking, gunfire and calls to prayer mark the end of the effort. Dates, sometimes stuffed with butter, symbol of sweetness, and a glass of milk, sign of purity, are then swallowed. Then, one plunges into the bowl of harira the traditional wooden spoon of lemon tree. Instantly, the soup comforts, quenches the thirst, fills the stomach, restores the balance of the body. And reminds the faithful of the meaning of fasting: food is not a due, but a gift from God.

After the harira, we fill ourselves with dried figs, hard-boiled eggs with cumin, bricks, pastries … And, once sustenance, we go to the mosque for the last prayer. On the way back, a second feast begins, made of salads, meats and sweets. Some, already full, skip this step. They prefer to get up before dawn to swallow a bowl of sweet couscous or a wheat soup. The harira is also served on other occasions, to the newborn or the circumcised child, to the convalescents or to the newlyweds. Always fortifying, generous and fragrant

The recipe of the Moroccan soup

What characterizes the harira, compared for example to the chorba, another Maghreb soup? The leaven, which replaces the vermicelli, and the cooking method, in two steps.

The broth

moroccan broth

Brown the meats (mutton neck, beef chuck or diced or shredded chicken after one hour of cooking) with onions, add water, legumes or even a handful of rice, and saffron filaments.

The mixture

Separately, mix the crushed tomatoes, sourdough, lemon juice and lots of herbs (coriander, parsley). Add this mixture to the broth, slowly, to avoid lumps.

At the service

These are some of the Moroccan soup needs: Complete with spices – cinnamon, paprika, ras el-hanout, cumin -, a beaten egg or a knob of rancid butter.