Fes in Morocco
6 days tour from Fes to Marrakech

Fes in Morocco; El Maghreb often known as Morocco or the land of the setting sun, is sometimes referred to as a fairy-tale Middle Ages. Only on my second attempt did I manage to stumble onto this nation. The first was crowned with absolute change because all the tickets had already been purchased, the accommodations had been reserved, and my attention were focused on experiencing Morocco. I tried my fortune again exactly one year later, and this time everything worked out.

Morocco is wonderful, and I was captivated by the country. Everything there has a magical quality, including the sights of Morocco, the mouthwatering mandarins, the mint tea served every minute, the streets of Medina, the unmatched calls to prayer, the fragrant gifts of tajine, pastila, and harira, the incredible skill of the locals in trade, the ease and accessibility of the hammam, the self-made carpets, the Berber handicrafts, the rich linguistic diversity of the Moroccans and their love of Although the nation is small, it is incredibly diversified. Morocco is rich in the Sahara, the Atlas Mountains, and a small amount more ocean and sea outside of metropolitan civilisation. Additionally, every city has an own personality. Overall, a wonderful Orient that everyone will adore.

Fes in Morocco, the oldest and most distinctive imperial city, served as my introduction to the nation. And long before I set out on my trip to Morocco, I, like probably many of you, had been binge-watching “Clone” and daydreaming about seeing Fez, the capital city of Morocco. “Dreams are also intended to come true. What use would they have in that case?”

From the first minute, Fes in Morocco had my attention. Compared to other Moroccan cities, it is the most lively. It is renowned for having the largest and oldest Medina, both of which have remained almost unchanged from those medieval times. The cultural center of Morocco is the city of Fes in Morocco, which is home to artisans including potters and tanners.

Getting there

After all, Morocco is in Africa, thus the only ways to travel there from other continents are by air or sea. From nearby cities in the nation, Fez is reachable by plane, train, bus, or rental vehicle.

Foum Europe, Fes in Morocco will be considerably closer, and tickets there will be less expensive.

The most effective route to go to Morocco and subsequently to Fes in Morocco is via Spain, which once colonized Morocco. Frequent low-cost flights and ferries leave from the southern part of Spain. So you can accomplish two goals at once: learn about stunning Morocco and passionate Spain.

There are no nonstop flights from Europe capital cities to Fes in Morocco(St. Petersburg and Moscow). Iberia, Vueling, Arab Airlines, Moldova Airlines, and even Ural Airlines have connections to Europe. The majority of the connections have protracted layovers. How much time can you spend waiting in one direction even when the cost is only about 250 EUR one way?

Therefore, it would be advisable to split the journey from any country to Morocco into two parts in this instance:

  • travel to Europe.
  • how to travel to Fes in Morocco from European cities.

The best transportation links between Spain, which is close both geographically and spiritually, and Morocco exist. Additionally, there are numerous low-cost flights to Spain, particularly to Barcelona, departing from St. Petersburg and Moscow. All of this makes flying to Fes in Morocco via Spain an excellent choice, as does the fact that Spain is very desirable not just as a transition location.

There is a great website called Vandrouki that lists all of the current deals and discounts for international travel while also suggesting strategies for almost-free travel. There are frequently really intriguing “how to get to Morocco” deals highlighted. For instance, a flight from Tallinn to Morocco via Germany during the 2017 May holidays costs around 30 EUR. A joke, perhaps? For such locations, Ryanair offers tickets at unreasonably low prices. The final step, if you don’t already have one, is to travel to Tallinn and apply for a Schengen visa.

Sometimes the same Vandrouki posts advertisements for flights to Barcelona offered by the airline Pobeda. By the way, no Schengen visa is necessary if you merely change aircraft in Spain. Additionally, you may find the most convenient and affordable flights here.

How to get into the city from Fez Airport

The airport is where you first arrive Fes in Morocco. Although Fez airport is little in comparison to the enormous airports in Europe, it performs admirably as the only airport in the rather populated and well-liked Fes in Morocco. There are places where you may exchange dollars or euros for local dirhams at the airport. Although the airport exchange rates are typically higher than those at the city center exchange bureaus, you will undoubtedly need cash to get into the city proper, so bring some change, but only a little bit.

From the airport, there are two methods to get to the center:

  • by bus number 16 for three euros each, but there is no set schedule for the route.
  • By cab, which costs the same 3 EUR per person, is quick, enjoyable, and inexpensive.

Usually, only foreigners who have not yet become accustomed to the relaxed pace of the nation wait patiently for any bus at the bus stop, which is directly across the street from the airport. After waiting for a bus for around 30 minutes, which never arrived, we were mobbed by cab drivers who pushed us to ride in their vehicles. So the two of us banded together with other tourists, haggled with the bus driver over the price, and together we traveled to Medina.

via train

In Morocco, the rail system is fairly advanced. Train service connects important towns including Marrakesh, Casablanca, and Tangier to Fes in Morocco.

Train travel times from Marrakech to Fes in Morocco are 7 hours, 5 hours from Tangier, and 4 hours from Casablanca. According to reports, there are two classes of Moroccan trains:

  • a certain location on the ticket.
  • any seat that is open.

The price varies depending on the class, however second class costs roughly:

  1. For roughly 15 EUR from Casablanca, 
  2. and for 20 EUR from Marrakech.
  3. just 10 EUR from Tangier.

Costs for first class will be 5–10 EUR more. Children under the age of four ride the train for free, and those under the age of twelve receive discounts.

On the website of the Moroccan railroad ONCF, you may see accurate rates and train schedules, but you cannot purchase or reserve tickets from outside of Morocco; you must do it when you arrive at the station. However, trains operate regularly and there are always enough tickets available.

The Fes in Morocco train station is really lovely, and taxis are waiting at the exit to take you into the city.

Throughout our entire trip to Morocco, we never had the chance to experience the trains, although numerous people we encountered en route said they were very happy with the comfort and speed.

By Bus

Buses are probably the most affordable and widely used mode of transportation in the nation. These exact buses were given to the Moroccans due to their unsuitability in Spain. However, ALSA buses in Spain and Morocco are actually very similar. Yes, the ones in Morocco appear to be a touch more worn, but overall they have fantastic rides, reclining seats, and functional air conditioning.

CTM and SupraTours are the two largest bus operators in Morocco. You can check the destination and the bus schedule on each company’s website. For instance, a bus from Tangier to Fes will cost 11 EUR and take about 6 hours. 9 hours and 17 EUR from Marrakech. Five hours and nine euros from Casablanca. Moroccans are cunning, and they can add a fee for placing luggage in the luggage compartment to the price of the ticket. Because of this, many people place their bags under the seats, between the legs, over the head, and even in their cuddles as they travel.

At a modest ticket counter at the bus stop, you can purchase bus tickets. Each organization has a separate ticket office. The earlier you purchase your tickets, the better. Buses operate at intervals of up to two hours, however they are nearly never empty. The most widely used mode of transportation in Morocco, after all.

Local, extremely beaten-down, jam-packed with trash and people, and cramped buses of unidentified carriers provide an alternative to luxurious tourist bus companies. These buses stop in every village, are simple to board with a wave of the hand, and cost approximately half as much as the average bus fee.

The experienced should choose this route, of course. We figured we had experience, so we gave it a shot. Simply put, a delight. After spending such a short four hours in Morocco, it is probably impossible to learn even more about the nation.

In Fes, there appear to be two bus terminals. Five minutes from the main entrance to the historic portion of the city, one is directly next to the Medina. The second one is situated on the outskirts of the city. You can easily walk from the first one, and you can grab a cab for roughly two euros from the second one.

By car

In Morocco, the roads are excellent. Driving across the nation is a fantastic idea, especially if you are taking a big family vacation.

Car rentals are widely available in Morocco, so you may do it when you are there or easily reserve one in advance on the website of any European firm you like. You may frequently bargain with Moroccans on the moment to lower the rental cost, but it’s just luck. All around the nation, there are free and toll-free roadways. And as soon as you exit the gangway or leave the deck, you can start driving toward Fes in Morocco.

The Moroccan car rental process is efficient.

There are several people that are driving. Even though we didn’t have a car, we still had time to enjoy the roads.


Fes in Morocco is not accessible by ferry, although you can go to other Moroccan cities by one.

Ferries leave from Barcelona and from cities throughout southern Spain. You will need a whole day to go from Barcelona to any port city in Morocco, and a one-way ticket would set you back about 100 EUR. Therefore, it is best to depart from sunny places like Almeria, Motril, Algeciras, or Tarifa if you take a ferry. You can also go from Malaga to the Spanish autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, which are situated in northern Africa and are encircled by the Mediterranean and Morocco. From there, you can go to Fes in Morocco by crossing the border.

The quickest and least expensive route to Tangier, Morocco, is from Algeciras or Tarifa. The journey only lasts for approximately an hour, and a single ticket will run you roughly 25 EUR. There are 8–10 ferry runs every day. On the other hand, getting to other places will take longer and cost a lot more money.

Although there are several ferry operators, the cheapest prices can be found on the excellent Direct Ferries website. If this form of trip has not been scheduled in advance, you can also purchase these exact tickets at the port. There might not be any tickets available, though, right before the ferry leaves. Despite the fact that ferries run often, a sizable number of people always wish to take them.

We took a plane to Fes in Morocco then a ferry to leave Morocco and get to Algeciras. It’s also really cool to cross a maritime border as one extremely interesting piece of land is moving away and another equally interesting piece of land is approaching. It’s extremely liberating.

The season is when. What time is ideal for traveling?

Any time of year is fantastic to visit Fes in Morocco. The climate is pleasant year-round, the Atlas Mountains’ permanently snow-capped summits are only 50 km away, and the ocean is nearby. It would be wonderful to explore the other intriguing Moroccan locations if you visit Fes in Morocco. Swim in the warm Atlantic if you visit in the summer or early fall. And if it’s essential to conquer the Atlas Mountains in the late fall and early spring. The peak travel period is from April to October, which also includes the New Year’s holiday. But Morocco, notably Fez itself, continues to be quite alluring even outside of this season. However, it is important to keep in mind that winter nights can be startlingly cold and that summer’s peak can appear overly hot. Another extremely crucial point is that you definitely shouldn’t travel to Morocco during the holy month of Ramadan (the ninth month of the lunar calendar), since the country may come across poorly due to the obligatory Muslim prohibitions.

The classic Moroccan food tagine is always in season, which is a plus. You must therefore travel to Fes in Morocco out of goodwill.

Summertime in Fez

Throughout the entire summer, Fez experiences daytime highs of +30° and nighttime lows of +17°. Since there is no sea or ocean in Fes, the summers there are extremely dry and abrasive. It’s preferable to be near the water at this time of year, because you only have a few days in Fes in Morocco to fall in love with this regal city and come back several times.

Fall in Fez

The weather isn’t all that different from summer’s at the start of autumn. The temperature reaches a low of +25 degrees in the middle of the season, and it hovers around +17 degrees in November. It’s time to get to know Fes in Morocco when the blazing sun sets and the heat subsides.

Springtime in Fez

In the spring, Fez experiences daytime highs of +15 to +25 degrees and overnight lows of +10 degrees. The best time of year to visit Fez is now. Particularly in April and the first few weeks of May, when the blossoms start and the city resembles a giant orange orchard.

Winter in Fez

Fez’s wintertime temperatures range from +10 to +15 degrees during the day and up to +5 degrees at night.

You can go outside in a dress, sneakers, and a light jacket during the day, but you should be prepared and have warm clothing for the evening. It is typically sunny and pleasant during the day, although there can also be high gusts and mild showers.

Fes is quite crowded with tourists for the New Year’s holiday, and the Atlas Mountains to the south of the city are home to a number of ski resorts that are popular in the winter.

Neighborhoods. a place to live

Fez is a small city, and the Medina, the historic center, is where you’ll find all the must-see attractions. Additionally, the city is split generally into three sections:

  1. Fez el Bali, the ancient Medina, is encircled by a medieval wall and has 1,000 streets and alleyways. UNESCO has designated this enormous pedestrian area as one of its World Heritage Sites. There are several districts in the Old Medina. Potters live in some, weavers in others, and tanners in still others. Although some of its streets are quite narrow, they are also somewhat confusing. In such a big and fake Fes el Bali, it is obvious that even having a map and having superb orienteering abilities on the spot can fail.
  2. The new Medina, known as Fes Jdid, is set apart from the ancient Medina by a thick, ornate wall. The crooked gate of Bab-bu-Jelud is the most significant of these. There are numerous marketplaces, stores, and eateries in this area of Fez. Although less perplexing, it is more touristy.
  3. The only place outside the Medina is New Fez. It’s nothing special in this area of the city. The typical housing stock is there, as with all forms of transportation, including train and bus stations and airports. generally speaking, the standard civilization.

The finest place to stay in Fez is unquestionably in the new Medina, or perhaps even outside of it but yet close enough. And this is why: Fes Jdid is situated in what seems to be a middle ground between the intriguing and required parts of the city. Fes el Bali, on the other hand, appears to be tucked away in the center of the city. When you first arrive in Fes, you must not only travel great distances but also make a valiant effort to discover an appropriate place to stay among the city’s countless winding lanes. Staying in the modern Fez makes little sense because the imperial Fez ought to be considerably closer. On the other side, the modern Medina represents the ideal.

Accommodation styles

Morocco has a fairly developed tourism industry, thus the problem of lodging for visitors is effectively handled. In addition to the standard, well-known to most people hotels and hostels, Fez also offers the Dar and Riad, the two main types of traditional Moroccan dwelling.

Dar, which means “home” in Arabic, invariably refers to a building with a courtyard inside. Riad, on the other hand, connotes the existence of an interior garden and is translated as “palace.” Both are highly prevalent in Morocco, but exclusively among the affluent citizens. However, the Moroccans are wonderful and have opened their hotels, hostels, or hostels, but in the shape of daras or riads, which is amazing for us visitors. The humility of the latter is the only significant distinction between a palace and a house, but both are exquisitely lovely and comfortable. Both are furnished with tall charming doors, vibrant lamps, patterned tiles, a sea of cushions, a fountain in the middle of the patio, and plants all around. They are both adorned in an Arabic manner. Additionally, their courtyards are ideal for tea gatherings, positive thinking, and connecting with the Arab culture. So you may fully experience Moroccan life when you stay in these traditional resorts.

On Booking, you may make advance hotel reservations. In the off-season, you can arrive without making a reservation, and the proprietors could provide a discount. The cost of lodging in Fez is extremely reasonable. You can find a luxury, pricey, and comfy room for between 5 and 500 EUR per night.

I can speak from experience

We were able to stay in two very different hostels throughout our time in Fes. The first was the modest but lovely hostel Dar Rabha. The new Medina’s main entrance is five minutes away from it. Dar is difficult to locate because it is hidden from onlookers’ view. A helpful Moroccan man assisted us. The hostel appeared pretty desolate from the outside, but inside, to my surprise, it was fantastic. The hostel offers a terrace, free breakfasts, and all the necessary local information. A shared room costs 5 EUR per person each night. One of the hostel’s drawbacks is that it is a little chilly, both physically and emotionally. Overall, however, I strongly advise it.

Riad Verus was the second. Though outside the new Medina, it is near by. The entrance door suggests that it is nondescript and hidden. Once inside, you truly feel as though you are in a palace. within a stunning Moroccan palace. You are served mint tea, the patio fountain gurgles, and you meet new interesting individuals. With a large terrace and views of the entire city of Fez, this Riad is incredibly evocative. For only 5 EUR per person, it offers delicious breakfasts and fantastic guides to the old Medina. A night in one of these riads costs 8 EUR. The owner’s poor musical taste, which he displayed by playing techno nonstop, was a stingy drawback to all the palace’s positive attributes. But over the years, there have been so many different visitors and they have all left their own thoughts, so this minus may have long since converted to a plus. Overall, I endorse it.

By the way, there are possibilities in Morocco for those who enjoy living in flats and with families. Although it is a third-world country, this type of lodging is highly developed there, despite not being especially well-liked. Getting out of your comfort zone and getting to know the city by interacting with the locals is a significant benefit of using such guest networks. We tried staying with a family in Morocco, not in Fez, and we were really happy with it.

Check out the prices for hotel rooms and apartments here.

What are the costs of vacations?

Let’s start with the Moroccan dirham. In any of the city’s numerous exchange offices, you can exchange foreign currency for local currency. But because every exchanger has a different rate and they frequently seem overpriced, it is advisable to learn what each exchange office’s rate is before choosing one that will be most lucrative. According to my observations, the most effective location for this type of cash exchange is near the entrance to the new Medina, on the right side, if you’re facing the Medina proper. During that time, in the winter of 2017, 1 EUR was equivalent to 10 AED (dirham).

Fez’s rates are comparable to those in other Moroccan cities, and the country as a whole is quite affordable. Prices for travel and lodging were already mentioned, but when it comes to eating, everything is pretty comparable. For instance, the cost of regional specialties and Moroccan presents like mandarins and dates is relatively low here (only 50 cents per kilo of each deliciousness). The price of manufactured goods is more than typical in Morocco, and they are primarily imported from Spain. It is advisable to eat locally in Fez since the price of everyone’s favorite Oreo in Moroccan expanses might reach 3 EUR. It is both strange and delightful.

Moroccan bread is roughly 25 cents, while water is 30 cents, as a pricing comparison. A sizable serving of chicken and couscous costs three euros. Moroccan tea costs around one euro.

Below, below “Food. Prices for food are listed under “What to Try,” “What to Do,” and “What to Bring as a Gift.” “prices for pertinent topics are stated.

primary draws. What to watch

The historic Medina in Fez is the city’s sole and main draw. It is filled with markets and workshops that demand a lot of attention on every convoluted street. You can traverse these little alleyways by yourself, get lost, find a tiny area where people are forging anything from teapots to jewelry, and then ask them how to leave this Fez el Bali. Additionally, you can hire a guide who will show you locations that are completely hidden from the average tourist’s view while also confidently guiding you through the Medina and imparting historical information. The tour guide might take you, for instance, to the bakery where they make exquisite Moroccan bread or the workshop where they paint wooden objects. There are several tour operators in Fesca, but it is best to deal with the trustworthy ones who frequently work in inns and hostels. Such a guide may charge 5 EUR per person for a 3-hour adventure in the fascinating Fez.

But Fez’s dye-houses, where hunched-over tanners treat and dye leather in an antiquated manner while standing knee-deep in vats full of different liquids, are its most remarkable feature. The procedure for dying leather is as follows: first, the leather is prepared by soaking it in lime baths, followed by a bird dropping solution, a lengthy rinsing in the dye, and finally, drying. The only natural ingredients used to make the colour are henna, turmeric, and other helpful ingredients.

A dye-house is uncommon to see in old Fez. As a result, Moroccan tour guides may be found anywhere along the road, willing to take you for a little price to the actual dye shops shown in “Clone.” They typically direct you to the leather goods shops, whose rooftops provide a great perspective of the world of tanners. They give you a sprig of mint to keep you fresh because the smell in these dyehouses is horrible, and they quickly explain how leather is made before persistently attempting to sell it to you in their shops.

Top 5.

  1. Gateway. Both the old and new Medinas of Fez are enclosed by a wall with numerous gates, each of which is embellished with a distinctively colorful gate in Arabic design.
  2. The Pretty Girls. Just above, I wrote about this important sight.
  3. Al-Qarawin University Mosque. The name of this location, the religious-educational complex, refers to both the permanent mosque and one of the oldest universities, which was founded in the 9th century. Additionally, Idris II, the founder of Fez, is buried in Al-Qaraouin. Although this location is incredibly stunning, unfortunately not everyone is let inside. Only through the open doors did we catch a glimpse of its majesty.
  4. the classrooms. Fez, however, is a city of artisans, and it is worthwhile to visit one of the many workshops that dot the enormous area of the old Medina.
  5. Markets. The city’s markets are its heart, thus it would be foolish to ignore or avoid them. Avoid lingering, but also avoid rushing.

Beaches. which are superior?

Since Fez is located in the interior of the country and is consequently far from seas, oceans, and beach vacations, the question of beaches in Fez is not pertinent. However, Morocco is not as large as it first appears, and Essaouira, a lovely ocean city, is only 7 hours away from Fez. But it is a different story.

Things to do in a day

You may see, taste, and decide whether Fez is your city in a single day there. The most crucial thing to remember in Fez is to take your time.

  • 5:00 a.m. – you hear the muezzins calling for prayer, feel it, and then go back to sleep.
  • 8:00 – Definitely get out of bed, stretch, and welcome the new day.
  • 8:30 – In anticipation of something exceptional, enjoy breakfast with a classic Moroccan treat on the riad patio or on the terrace overlooking the city.
  • 9:30 – pack up and explore the Medinas of Fez by touch and careful observation, without maps, navigators, or other aids.
  • 11:00 – Moroccan tangerines and mint tea as a snack.
  • 11:30 – Purchase, personalize, and mail a postcard to yourself or family members back home to share your initial thoughts about Fez.
  • 12:00 – Enjoy lunch at one of your favorite tajine or harira street restaurants.
  • Find a knowledgeable guide to the old medina of Fez at 14:00, and together, see a different city that is hidden from the tourists’ gaze.
  • 16:30 – Stop by one of the city’s natural wonders, with or without a tour guide, to learn about the process of such arduous labor, to be appalled by the scents, to recall Jadie from “Clone,” who ran among identical or similar vats to find love, and to take photos and make memories of the location.
  • 4:30 p.m. – Take a break with some avocado juice, stock up on practical mementos, and practice your haggling.
  • Return to the riad at 17:00 for dinner of marshmallows and oriental desserts on the terrace with views of the setting sun over Fez.
  • Visit Cafe Barcelona at 18:30 to attend a performance of traditional Moroccan music.
  • Visit one of the city’s top hammams around 19:00 to get a true taste of Moroccan culture.
  • 20:30 – Take one last stroll through Fes to assess whether or not the city is charming.
  • 20:30 – Encouraged by such a full and intriguing day, stay in Fez for a little while longer or purchase a bus ticket to the adjacent Chefchaouen and embark on a new adventure.

What to Try in Food

Like the rest of Morocco, Fez’s cuisine is primarily hot and fatty with little else. Moroccan cuisine is limited to just five dishes. In this article on Morocco, you may learn more about these five traditional Moroccan dishes: mint tea, tagine, couscous, harira, and Moroccan salad. And now I’ll discuss some other national culinary high points.

Moroccans typically eat fruit salad with yogurt for breakfast, a loaf of cheese and eggs with spices, a bun and cake that is similar to Soviet candies, freshly squeezed orange juice, and mint tea. Olives, olives, and delicious Moroccan bread could be another alternative for breakfast. Breakfasts like this are frequently provided in hostels as well.

The world’s most delicious mandarins, which only cost pennies, are abundant in Morocco. They can be purchased for as little as 50 cents per kilo in the endless markets of Fez. Tangerines are also frequently juiced and served on the Medina streets. A typical fruit grown in Morocco is the avocado, which is also used to salads but is even better when blended with milk and sugar to create an incredibly robust and tasty avocado cocktail. For 1.5 EUR, you can sample such a beverage at downtown eateries or street kiosks. In addition to wholesome fruits, Morocco also offers some very sweet and harmful oriental delicacies.

Another delicious and unique dish found in Moroccan cooking is marshmallow. It is a type of cake with chicken and peanuts that has a star of David-shaped topping of powdered sugar and cinnamon. You should try it. You won’t remain uninterested. Nearly all restaurants in Fez provide pastila, which costs 4-5 EUR.

Reccommended Locations

Nearly the entire area of Fes Jdid is littered with cafés and restaurants where locals and visitors may both eat and drink tea. There isn’t much of a price difference, but choosing one restaurant over another for lunch, dinner, or regular tea depends heavily on how friendly the proprietors and servers are.

We noticed the location just inside the new Medina’s main gate on the right. There is a father and son team that works there, and they both create delicious pastilles and are quite kind and multilingual.

On the new Medina’s main market street is another suggested location. A young Moroccan woman who always has a smile on her face works in the modest establishment and cooks a delicious harira.

Safety. What to be wary of

This post does a fantastic job of describing safety in Morocco as a whole. According to my own experience, Fez is not at all criminal, and safe Europe has just as many pickpockets and thieves. But as in other parts of Morocco, you should always be on the lookout and avoid placing your trust in Moroccans, who only occasionally offer assistance and only watch out for themselves. This is especially true of Fez.

Because my youthful companion and I were traveling together and he had an appearance somewhat resembling that of an Arab, he was always treated as one of us and I was not addressed directly as is customary in the Muslim world. And whenever I went out by myself, I was constantly the subject of intense, obsessional attention. As a result, traveling alone in Morocco is conceivable if you wear a headscarf, have courage, and disregard for extraneous details. However, it is safer for women to travel with male escorts in the Arab world. We encountered a couple of these brave people along the way.

In terms of exploring Fez at night, it is best to avoid doing so. In terms of cheating, I believe the Moroccans are quite shrewd and crafty, so they won’t do it right away. All relationships in El Maghreb are founded on trade, therefore finding an understanding and a compromise is always possible. It turns out that the capacity for negotiation is really strong. It is an artistic form. incredibly deft and clever. The foundation of Moroccan culture is this. Without negotiating, purchasing something can even irritate the vendor. Try to lower the price as a result, not just for profit but also for amusement.

Things to do


In addition to taking countless strolls through ancient Fez and sampling every Moroccan delicacy, you may and should visit the hammam, or Arabian baths, in the city.

There are two distinct hammam types:

  • expensive luxury baths with an Arabic design that are modeled like contemporary spas.
  • Local Moroccans frequent the moderately accessible baths once a week, if not more frequently.

The initial choice Sincerly, I found it overly arrogant and tourist-oriented, and I rejected it. And when it came to the second option, I was unsure whether I required such an experience after hearing from more seasoned individuals about their unique dual perception of this hammam. I finally came to a decision. I decided on a location, got lost getting there, but I eventually entered the storied hammam. Two doors were in front of me. Women have their own front, whereas men have their own. A large space with high ceilings and seating along the walls was located at the entry. It was a dressing area. Moroccan women were stationed at the entryway and explained what the hammam was all about to me. You can simply show up and wash there, or you can get washed and even given a massage. I naturally consented to the second one. After all, washing oneself is nothing new. I had to haggle to get it for the 10 EUR that it cost.

When I started to speak, they escorted me to a another room that had lower but still impressive ceilings. Women and girls of all ages were seated on the stone floor of the room, dousing themselves in buckets of water. They placed me next to them and began washing me with a special black soap as I was surrounded by buckets of water. They scrubbed me so vigorously that I worried about my tattoo. It went well. After being cleaned and massaged, I was let go. I was overjoyed. Honestly! To begin with, I had never felt so pure. Second, it was a cool experience that wasn’t expecting, and third, and most significantly, it was something truly Moroccan.


Along with the hammam, Fez is home to the curiously named Barcelona, a very contemporary Moroccan café. Although it appears rather conventional from the outside, the Arabic inside is really elegant. Traditional Moroccan music performances frequently take place in this cafe. The entrance ticket includes any free drink, however concert tickets cost roughly 3 EUR. The performances bring together the entire golden generation of Fez, which, as it turns out, is very similar to the youth of Europe: equally liberated and mobile. The only other location I saw so many Muslim ladies at once sans hijabs was in this cafe.

On Talaa Kebira Street in the new Medina, it’s a cool place. You can’t miss the cafe because it is very visible. By the way, this particular Barcelona cafe has reviews and pictures on TripAdviser.

Overall, the setting, the music, and the ambiance are extremely outstanding, and Fez appears to be seen from a new angle.

Souvenirs. How to choose a present

In terms of traditional gadgets, Fez is very similar to other Moroccan cities. When you leave the Oriental fairy tale, you can take them home as a memento, use them yourself, give them as a gift, or use them yourself. One thing: As we already determined, Fez is a city of leather people. Therefore, leather and all leather goods should be significantly less expensive in Fez than in other areas of Morocco. Remember this when trading because many businesspeople call extremely high prices with confidence and joy. For instance, in Chefchaouen I paid 9 EUR for a bag-belt, but in Fez they tried to charge me at least 20 EUR for it. The variation is substantial.

The primary traditional North African mementos are discussed in this article about Morocco. But I’ll discuss those below that weren’t mentioned in that piece.

  • Oriental lighting. Everything that frames light, including lamps, lanterns, and candlesticks, is breathtakingly lovely in Morocco. Such lamps are appropriately regarded as one of the magnificent traditional Moroccan objects because of the multicolored teardrops, patterns, and shapes. They can be purchased everywhere. The cost is reasonable. Takeaway is more difficult than purchase.
  • Carpets. Fes in Morocco carpets are also woven. Typically, they are made in the same location where they are sold. They skillfully entice consumers, explain and demonstrate the entire process of creating gorgeous carpets, and then they force them to buy something. Investing in carpets is undoubtedly worthwhile. Even if not where they impose, still. Each size is available. Excellent quality is present. They are much more valuable and less expensive than anywhere else in the world.
  • Spices. In theory, this is both a required item and a wonderful keepsake. Moroccans won’t tell you not to eat them because they can’t fathom their dish without them. In addition to flavoring every food, spices also increase its usefulness one hundred fold. Turmeric, ginger, zira, paprika, and saffron are the chief spice monarchs. You can get each one by 100 grams for 4 EUR.
  • Dates. Both dates and mandarins are abundant in Morocco. Additionally, they are affordable, tasty, and healthy. You can purchase a bag of vitamins for a few euros, then use them to make candies for your friends.

Along with some of the items mentioned above, I also sent my loved ones fashionable hooded sweatshirts with Berber patterns and a ton of argan oil and lotions for both body care and cookery. additionally brought them stories, sunshine, and joy.

How to navigate the city.

The best method to navigate Fez is on foot because the city is quite small and the Medina is home to all of its landmarks and intriguing locations. Additionally, no vehicle is allowed to enter the Medina.

Cabs. What unique characteristics

If you need to go from the airport to the city center or vice versa, as well as to the railway or bus station, taxis are a wonderful option. The journey will cost little and take approximately 10 minutes. At the hotel or hostel, the airport, the train station, or the bus terminal, you can inquire about the approximate cost of cab rides in advance. But you can reach your desired location for only 5 EUR. Payment is only accepted in cash. Although there are cabs waiting at every corner, there are occasionally organized lines of cabs that may be seen from one kilometer away.

Not just tourists use cabs frequently in Fes. Locals without cars willfully hail a cab, and savvy cab drivers pick up everyone they run into along the road as a passenger. Trips in the crammed cab are thus the norm rather than the exception. The fact that it’s enjoyable and authentically Moroccan is a major benefit.

Auto rental

In Morocco, renting a car is fairly frequent and simple. And Fez is no different.

You’ll need cash and an international drivers license to rent a car. Both domestic and foreign car rental firms are excellent. Only the latter can be significantly more expensive, but they are still more trustworthy. Regular automobile rentals typically cost 45 EUR per day, without taxes, mileage, insurance, and other fees. Click the link to view the cost of the vehicle in a Moroccan rental location that is convenient for you. In comparison to Europe, gas is also less expensive.

Holidays with kids in Fez

Large families with children traveling the length and breadth of Morocco are a regular sight. Fes, on the other hand, is not at all accommodating to the young visitors: there is no regular entertainment and even no interest in the city itself. But in Fez, you may take a vacation from the road for a few days, enjoy the sunshine from the terrace, and then go snowboarding and skiing in the mountains. Even if they are still learning how to do it, they adore it.

Ski getaway

Morocco’s Atlas Mountains have a ski season that runs from December to April.

Ifrane, a ski resort not far from Fes in Morocco, is among the greatest. Both a rental car and a CTM bus are options for transportation. It is stated that the mountains there are outstanding and suited for both beginners and experts.

The opportunity to enjoy these magnificent mountains is still in front of us, though! Enjoy your visit to Fez and the surrounding surroundings.

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Trips Around Morocco


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