Tangier in Morocco
4 days tour from Tangier to Fes

The first images that come to mind when Tangier in Morocco is mentioned are the place where the Strait of Gibraltar meets the Atlantic, Hercules’ dream before his next feat, and Tilda Swinton’s barefoot journey through the old medina in the film “Only Lovers Live.”

In the middle of the 20th century, bohemians came here in search of bloody experiences; the location where The Naked Breakfast author William Burroughs fled from the world. Whoever hung out here, including Tennessee Williams and Truman Capote,

By the way, Tangier in Morocco provided the exact ambiance for the classic film “Casablanca,” and Tangier’s Hotel El Minzah served as the inspiration for Rick’s Café’s setting.

There is a reason why Tangier in Morocco is arguably the least Moroccan of all the Moroccan cities. It was an independent international territory until the late 1950s of the 20th century, when France, Spain, and Britain had soft governmental control over it.

In 1956, Morocco declared its independence and seized a prosperous northern region. Following that, Tangier gradually lost a lot of freaks and expats, but some of the cool vibe from those times persisted.

Today, Tangier in Morocco serves as both a transit gateway connecting Morocco and Europe and the commercial core of the kingdom’s northern region. A once-significant port is now simply a harbor that receives ships carrying tourists from Spain.

Although tourism contributes significantly to the city’s budget, Tangier in Morocco rarely qualifies as a tourist hotspot. Just for fans of the city, it is peaceful and lovely.

In truth, Tangier’s ability to blend in with the surroundings and the general lack of concern for outsiders is what made me fall in love with the city. No one will know you are a stranger if you don’t glare excessively.

Getting there

Any mode of transportation, including land, air, and ocean, can get you to Tangier in Morocco. Unless you need to change planes in Spain, regular flights are available from any location in the world at the nearby airport. It is simple to get to Spain, France, or Italy on foot, by automobile, or by sea ferry from the southern region of Morocco and adjacent nations. Tangier is primarily the northern entrance to Morocco for tourists coming from Europe.

By air

Flying to the nearby Ibn Battuta airport is the best and most practical option.

There are a few possibilities from Moscow, with the Spanish airline Iberia providing the greatest combination of cost and time. A suitable route through Barcelona requires roughly 9 and a half hours of travel time, as does a morning trip to Madrid, which will take 7 hours and 40 minutes. Depending on the season, a one-way ticket will run you roughly $300 USD, give or take. No direct flights are offered. Even yet, there are already a number of direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg to the vacation destination of Agadir in the southern Moroccan country. Who knows, perhaps in the future it will be feasible to fly here as well. I believe Tangier Airport is capable of handling such a load.

Make sure to compare costs across all sources before selecting a date. On occasion, a ticket can be purchased for less on Expedia, and on occasion, as part of a seasonal deal, you can get a ticket for half-business class for the same price as an economy class ticket, which is identical to regular business class. I’ve had two occurrences like this, and I couldn’t be happier. Ticket information for Tangier in Morocco is also available here.

The city’s center is more than 15 kilometres from the airport, which is located just outside the city. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate any other reasonable transportation save a cab. You must therefore handle a transfer if you can.

Basically, there is a bus stop for route 9 at the intersection with the major road leading to Tangier, but it requires a long walk, so you have to wait and ponder whether there will be a seat before it arrives. I don’t think it’s worth it.

Greedy taxi drivers take advantage of this horrible situation and offer to carry you to the medina for 25 euros by chaining their outdated Mercedes (Downtown Tangiers). However, since we are in Morocco, we must right away shoot down. If you are persistent, you may be able to negotiate a price of 12–15 euros.

Another issue is that these drivers have no knowledge of Tangier in Morocco at all, necessitating constant route supervision. If not, you will be given a tour of the city. I once experienced the worst of luck. I was traveling with two cats and was dazed from the journey when the daredevil cab driver brought us, seemingly by accident, to a completely different location. From there, I had to catch a “small cab.” I want his tires would all lose air pressure.

Finding a low-cost aircraft to Casablanca (from 200 euros) and taking the train from there to Tangier in Morocco is the most economical option. Even if the cost of this journey will be less than that of a cab from Ibn Battuta, spending five hours in a car after a flight of between ten and fifteen hours is a unique experience.

via train

On the website of the ONCF (Office National des Chemins de Fer du Maroc), the country’s national rail operator, you can calculate the cost and travel time if you are already in Morocco. There are trains to Tangier from many cities. For instance, the trip will take around four hours and cost 95 dirhams ($9.5) from Rabat, the capital of Morocco (Rabat Ville Central Station – Tanger Ville).

The trains have two classes: first class, which has the designated seats, and second class, which costs half as much. There are sitting seats, six-passenger cabins, or open space. Trains with double-decker cars are available. The degree of comfort is a lottery, making it challenging to predict which train will arrive. If you’re lucky, you might get a free ride in an air-conditioned vehicle that is only partially occupied, or you might find yourself in a compartment packed with passengers who are carrying luggage and young children.

Light refreshments and snacks are passed around the carriages on long-distance trains. At train stations, unlicensed sellers occasionally appear; you should avoid purchasing anything from them.

You can always ask for assistance from ONCF staff members who are uniformed, many of whom know English.

There are no guarantees in train schedules. You shouldn’t demand timeliness from people in Morocco. They have the time, we have the clock. The train may arrive late or even early by up to an hour.

Tangier in Morocco has two train stations: Tanger Ville, which is in the city’s center, and Tanger Morora, which serves the city’s residential districts. You may stroll from the main station, which is rather clean and located in the center of the city, to respectable hotels, a residential area, and even the beach.

The station’s buffet is basic, but nearby are a “McDonald’s” and a full-fledged food court in the shopping center directly in front. Take two or three minutes to walk in the direction of the embankment from the station.

By bus

You can take an intercity bus from the major Moroccan cities to Tangier in Morocco, which can be even more affordable but also more tiresome if the bus is unlucky. It’s quite a distance from the major towns, and the road will become hell if you decide to save money and take a wreck. There are many carriers, and the costs and terms vary greatly.

Additionally in the center, close to the Mosquée Souria, is the bus terminal. You can take a 5 Dirham ($0.50) Petit Taxi or walk to the Cultural Center.

Via car and ferry

Ferries across the Strait of Gibraltar are the most romantic method to get to Tangier in Morocco. This is in case you choose to travel independently or by car from Europe to Morocco.

Ferries from Italy, France, and Spain arrive here. Prices vary based on the business and the distance. The cheapest option is from nearby Spanish Tariffs, which start at 35 euros one way (cheaper there and return), and take an hour to go.

This strategy is also appropriate for motorists; from Tarifa, a comprehensive ticket would set you back 162.5 euros.

What time is ideal for travel?

Tangier in Moroccois colder in winter than the north. Consequently, April to October is the ideal period to travel. The city is better prepared for the arrival of guests and swimming is already permitted on city and rural beaches.

It should be emphasized that all improvement work is done in the off-season, making it difficult to move around the city during the winter. There are renovations going on everywhere, the houses have scaffolding, and it’s noisy.

Ramadan (the month of required fasting for Muslims) in the summer may be a little different because few shops and café-restaurants are open. However, it is peaceful and empty, no one is on the streets, so you can go for a healthy walk.

Neighborhoods. best places to live

Naturally, you must select lodging in the center. There are parts of Tangier that have never seen a foreigner because the city is extremely large. Even with all the vibrant colors of real life, the unprepared traveler will feel a little uncomfortable in the sleeping ghettos.

Like all Moroccan cities, Tangier has two main districts.

  • The vampires in Jarmusch’s movie strolled around Old Medina, a medieval city with an old fortification (Kasbah) and claustrophobic streets. Personally, I never encountered any vampires, and the spirit of William Burroughs only appeared once. However, there are a lot of shady characters offering various forms of insanity, including illicit substances and transactional sex. In Medina, there are many reasonably priced private hotels and pensions (double rooms start at $25), but I’d prefer to stay somewhere calmer.
  • The cultural hub (Ville Nouvelle) is located between the city’s two main thoroughfares, Avenue Mohammed V and Avenue Mohammed VI, near the coast. The Place de France is the location that is closest to the train station. In addition, getting a cab is not difficult and you may walk to the beach. Apartment rent can be anywhere from $35 to $100 per day, depending on the amenities, service, and owner’s avarice. Be ready for the pricing to change if the landlord only speaks a little English. Bargaining is a possibility and is occasionally required.

If you’d like, you can book a package deal that includes a flight and a hotel at these prices.

On Bucking, where I typically book hotels, you can compare rates from other websites.

You should absolutely check that everything functions well before renting an apartment from a private person (options may be seen at this link). This includes the electricity, running water, and filled gas cylinders. Ask to be instructed on how to manage them. Hot water is heated by gas or in a boiler. You will undoubtedly need electric heaters and warm blankets in the winter because there is no central heating in the city.

primary draws. What to watch

Tangier will be appealing to individuals who enjoy urban travel, as I previously stated. There is a spot to walk around, but the sights are numerous. Go ahead without considering the map or GPS navigator (it’s cheating nevertheless because Google Maps in Morocco is a terrible advisor, has extremely poorly processed topography, and constantly causes confusion due to the varying toponym interpretations in different languages). Go there if it appears intriguing.

Medina’s past

To begin with, you must visit the Old Medina. It is unlikely to impress you much if you have already visited other Moroccan cities, but it is worthwhile to explore the labyrinths. Additionally, of course, to reach the stronghold.

The local guides will start offering you an escort as soon as they realize you are a foreigner and do so in shoddy English. They will try to upsell you and offer you no interesting information. It’s simpler to avoid all conversations altogether. Fortunately, you won’t get lost in the medina of Tangier and you won’t need anyone’s assistance.

The tomb of the famous traveler Ibn Battouta, who was born in Tangier and traversed the entire Arab world in the 14th century, may be found in Medina. The mausoleum is difficult to identify because it resembles an ungainly bulge on an old house, and just a little plaque identifies the location.


Medina’s narrow lanes seamlessly transition into the Grand Souk, a market that opens into the Grand Socco and is designated on maps as Place du 9 Avril 1947. (Place du 9 Avril 1947, named after the speech of Mohammed V for the independence of Morocco).

You can purchase affordable, delectable fruit, quality meat, sweets, and nuts at the market. Some stores are stocked with domestic products, others with fake goods, and still others with a ton of bizarre trash. The more straightforward peddlers spread out their wares directly on the pavement on a newspaper.

Although there aren’t many tourist shops, each one makes an effort to stock every Moroccan item that can be imported, including carpets, scarves, leather products, souvenirs, and trinkets. The pavilions of these stores are typically spread out over many floors, with a restaurant on the top terrace, where you can have a pricey meal while taking in views of the city’s rooftops.


While exploring the stronghold, you should stop by the Kasbah Museum, which has a lovely sultan’s garden and is a nice spot to meditate. Entry costs 10 dirhams (1 dollar). Open Monday through Tuesday from 9 to 16 at Place de la Kasbah.

The Musée des Arts Marocains and des Antiquités is a great place for fans of antiquities (Museum of Moroccan Art and Antiquities). It is located in the Sultan’s Palace of Dar el Makhzen, which is on the same square as the Kasbah Museum. The palace itself is interesting to view as a superb representation of Maghreb culture, complete with mosaics, Arabic designs, and various architectural wonders. If the museum is open, you can also see antique carpets, weapons, national costumes, and ordinary items in the hallways. There are no guarantees during the official hours of 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The museum occasionally closes without warning.

The Old American Legation Museum is located at 8 Rue d’Amerique right next to the Old Medina. It serves as a museum and cultural hub. Here, you can learn about how the United States influenced Morocco’s course in addition to viewing a number of historic maps, prints, and documents and Moroccan contemporary art. The organization hosts a variety of seminars and conferences as part of its cultural goal and awards grants to deserving Moroccans. A guided tour costs 50 dirhams ($5) and admission is 20 dirhams ($2). The museum is open from 10 to 17 on Monday through Friday and from 10 to 15 on Saturday.

Visiting Streets

Walking is enjoyable in Tangier. Start your walk on the bustling Mohammed V Avenue and proceed in whatever direction you can see. There are shopping avenues like Avenue México that are lined with a variety of amusing shops, fruits, and sweets. There are cafes and restaurants for every taste and budget on every corner.

You may reach the Route de Tetouan by ascending the uphill streets from the train station. It’s worth admiring the antique bullring while looking out over the city and the strait from the hill (Plaza De Toros). The Spanish bullfighting enthusiasts who spent ten years building it ultimately opened in 1950. However, the arena has only been in operation for a short time because the Moroccans who took control outlawed this gory entertainment. Since then, Tangier’s enormous arena—which was already in very bad shape—has merely served as one of its embellishments.

It’s pleasant to stroll along Avenue Mohammed VI’s seafront promenade. The city’s new architect has chosen to demolish every outdated waterfront enterprise in favor of brand-new, contemporary ones as part of a current, extensive restoration. Let’s see what happens.

  • Malabata is a wonderful area to stroll through. Great views of the sea, lots of adorable cafes.

But the coastline on the Mercala promenade, which is behind the harbor, is the most stunning (Route de la Plage Mercala). The wealthy locals’ houses and palaces are located on one side of a steep hillside, alongside the ruins of an old fortification, while the turquoise sea is on the other. In this area, lovers wander, cyclists compete, and athletes run. The Mercala leads to the identical beach, which is small but vibrant.


Urban or suburban, all of Tangier’s beaches have a bit of a wild feel to them. There is no infrastructure, no public restrooms, no changing rooms. You can handle it however you like. It is sometimes required to immediately agree on a price and place an order with them because the separate service may occasionally deliver a bench and an umbrella from a neighboring cafe.

However, during the season, there are a lot of private businesspeople on the beach who provide food and drinks, offer to take visitors for rides on horses, ponies, or camels, and even try to sell them illegal goods.

  • From the harbor to the hotel district in Malabat, the city beach encircles the whole downtown area. It is conveniently reachable on foot as it is situated in the center of Tangier in Morocco. You can locate your favorite spot in its huge region. For instance, I enjoy going near La Veranda Cafe because it has fantastic waves, is serene, and doesn’t have a lot of Moroccans milling around aimlessly.

The natives prefer to take a quick bath while still wearing their loose clothing and sit on the shore rather than swimming. Or stroll back and forth seeing the foreigners lying in the sun.

Although these looks are not very menacing, it is nevertheless best to avoid them lest they bore a hole in you.

The beach of Merkala is a little out of the way, west of the harbor. You can take the scenic promenade in the Petit Taxi for 10 dirhams (one dollar) to get there. The beach is pretty lovely and is situated in a gorge.

All of the nearby beaches are sandy and ideal for swimmers. There are some locations where foul-smelling rivers empty into the ocean; it is best to avoid them. However, everything is generally in good shape.

For ocean waves, you must travel far from the city to Achakar, which is located around 15 kilometres from Tangier. This vast coastal beach has historically been undeveloped. Nice surf and sand. There is a slight overpopulation of locals on weekends. A number of cafes with awnings are located across the street, offering a variety of tasty snacks.

In back of the Jardin Iberia, there are taxis parked that go to Ashakar (Jardin Iberia). The color green makes them easy to spot. Six people can fit in one car, and the one-way fare is 10 dirhams ($) per person. It takes 15 to 20 minutes to get there.

something to look out for in the area

The biggest tourist destination in Tangier in Morocco, the Grottes d’Hercule, is highly recommended. Because they are close to Ashakar Beach, you can mix sightseeing with some downtime. The least expensive option is to take a “green” taxi for $1 per passenger from the parking area close to the Garden of Iberia. There should be a sign instructing the driver to drop off at the grotto, the cave before the beach.

Legend has it that the mythical hero Hercules, also known as Hercules of the ancient Greeks, slept in this cave between the tenth and eleventh exploits. After taking a nap, he walked to the lovely garden to take the golden apples.

The cave is roomy, bright, and tidy. Visitors snap photos and post them right on to social media. One may take in the ocean view from the internal observation platform. If you look closely, you may see that the hole’s outline somewhat mimics the outline of the continent of Africa.

There are eateries, gift stores, and restrooms outside. You can descend to the lake by way of a steep staircase. It costs nothing to enter the cave.

El Mnar is another location that merits a visit. Using a minibus or the bus route 16 from the train station, you can travel there from Casabarata. The small taxis won’t take you there, and the driver will rip you off if he wants to make some money. The minibus is $4; the bus is 3.5 dirhams (35 and 40 cents respectively).

The remnants of a medieval castle, a lovely lighthouse, and a well-kept park with a fantastic water park may all be found at Mnar. The water park is open all year long. Prices for tickets start at 100 dirhams ($10).

Food. Things to try

Tangier’s cuisine isn’t all that distinctive from that of the rest of Morocco. Fast food and traditional Moroccan cuisine are the two types of food served in cafes and restaurants.

Tajine, couscous, and harira soup are traditional Moroccan foods.

  • Tajine: Tajine is prepared in a pot with the same name that has a cone-shaped shape, which contributes to the dish’s distinctive flavor. There are countless combinations of various meats and vegetables that can be cooked in a tagine; the flavor is dependent on the cook’s creativity and competence. Since Moroccans can name any hot dish a tagine, it is best to try to determine what you are ordering from the description.
  • Couscous: Unleavened porridge called couscous is served with cooked meat, veggies, and thick gravy. Couscous is my personal favorite, and I usually order it. In restaurants, a hot dinner starts at 40 dirhams ($4″), but it is less expensive for locals in real cafés.
  • Harira: A thick, spicy Moroccan soup called harira costs 10 dirhams (one dollar).
  • Pizza: Pizza, shawarma, paninis, and hamburgers of all varieties rule the fast food world. Usually, the dish is served with French fries. There is no such thing as quality; even in the same location, a dish’s flavor may change. Therefore, there is no assurance that the next time you will have the same experience even if you have ever had the best shawarma. Cost of shawarma is 20–25 dirhams (2-2.5 dollars).

You must always drink spicy coffee or mint tea. It makes the meal authentically Moroccan, and you won’t find such fragrant drinks anywhere else! Traditional teapots or mint-filled glasses are used to serve tea. A glass is used to serve coffee. It’s somewhat unusual.

The server will pour tea from a teapot into a glass from a height of roughly half a meter if he wants to impress a special guest. This will cause tiny bubbles to form on the drink’s surface. The Moroccans are quite proud of them for whatever reason.

About 10 dirhams are required to enjoy all of this.

Safety. What to watch out for

Although I have heard countless horror stories about how my friends have been terrorized with penknives and one of them was stolen, I have never personally experienced Moroccans acting aggressively.

In general, the populace is cynical and narrow-minded. In general, not many people in Tangier in Morocco give a damn about visitors. Dopey beggars are the only unpleasant experiences, but it’s easy to get rid of them. Girls should probably avoid exploring the Medina alone at night.

You can call for assistance if there is difficulty because enlisted soldiers armed with assault weapons are patrolling the beaches and the historic section of the town.

However, in the most dire circumstances, shouting “Aled!” (Fr. à l’aide! – assistance) will cause the offender to disappear. The people of Morocco are cowards. You must firmly state “Safi” if someone is obtrusively bugging you with their company (enough is enough).

Taxi drivers caution against using pricey smartphones while driving. They claim that the boys took them from the open window.

However, in general, Tangier in Morocco is safe.

What to do

Posters posted throughout the city advertise the occasional exhibitions and events held in Tangier’s libraries, cultural centers, and art galleries. Additionally, postcards announcing activities are displayed in the windows of tourist attractions. Summertime, when the city is bustling with visitors, is the height of cultural life.

Weekend performances by local or visiting celebrities are held on a stage that is built up on the promenade near the beach during the tourist season.

Every season, the Luna Park, a popular hangout for locals and tourists, bustles and sparkles next to the train station.

The Cinémathèque de Tanger, a cinema museum of sorts for intelligent expats and smart girls, is located in the Cinema Rif on 9 April 1947. You can see vintage American movies with French subtitles on Sundays. Prices for tickets begin at 20 dirhams ($2).

Gambling enthusiasts will also have fun. There is a casino at the Mövenpick hotel in Malabat. The minimum wager is 20 dirhams ($2) for roulette and 100 ($10) for cards.

It is important to note that prostitution and gambling are both permitted in Morocco. Of course, you must exercise extreme caution in both situations.

Shops and Shopping

In Tangier in Morocco, where private enterprise is encouraged, practically every home has a small shop where you can buy things like food, cigarettes, scratch cards to top off your mobile phone, household goods, and even souvenirs. Additionally, gas cylinders can be changed here.

Along with these shops, there are a number of huge chain hypermarkets, including three “Acima” stores and two “Marjane” stores. There, you can buy practically anything.

There seems to be an odd pattern. For some reason, you cannot find particularly personal hygiene products, like condoms and tampons, in the big department stores. These allegedly shameful products must be purchased via pharmacies, of which there are plenty. Thankfully, they don’t require a prescription to give them out.

Recently, MEGARAMA, a contemporary shopping center, built across from the train station. There are numerous stores with both well-known and obscure labels, as well as a supermarket, a movie theater, a playground, and a food court.

People from Tangier and the other villages began to travel great distances to visit the mall. The location is packed on the weekends. Visitors who are well-groomed and have groomed children wander around the mall like they’re in a museum, gawking at the vibrant windows and being alarmed by the escalators.

A must-see is Casabarata in addition to the bazaar in the Medina. It is accessible via a shuttle bus that stops close to the bus hub or a small taxi.

A flea market, household products, mementos, and device repair are all available. You can, at the absolute least, take full advantage of Morocco’s retail culture. It’s difficult to barter for domestic items because they are so cheap and you have to knock down half the price when purchasing tourist goods. Traditional sweets are abundant in the food aisles. Even if you choose not to purchase anything, they give you everything to try, so you will leave satisfied.

In Tangier, there are small shops that sell alcoholic beverages, defying predictions of an outright prohibition. There are also condoms, by the way. The costs are really significant. It appears from the purchasing process that you are purchasing something really risky. The bottle is packed in an opaque plastic bag by the vendor after being wrapped in many layers of newspaper. He appears to be a part of a dreadful crime.

Being inebriated is not punishable, but you should still be aware of your limits.

Nightlife and clubs

The cultural life in Tangier is fairly confined because of its seclusion. In the clubs, amateur bands with no voices or awful DJs perform. It makes sense that the locals prefer to watch soccer games while sipping mint tea. However, there are also the odd good concerts, usually when well-known or foreign artists happen to be in town.

Some nightclubs are better avoided in order to protect your sense of attractiveness. They are filled with vice and vulgarity, and a sober person has no place there. Such locations can, nevertheless, easily be identified by their façade. Bright neon lights, grumpy security personnel, and easy-going females at the door.

Good youth organizations exist, like Tabadoul on Magellan Street (19). It’s a location where unstructured youth gather, guest bands perform, and fairs and exhibitions take place. It costs between 50 and 150 dirhams ($5 and $15) to enter.

Which present should I bring?

Everything you typically bring from Morocco is available in the souvenir shops and supermarkets in Tangier in Morocco. Perhaps the souvenirs are a touch rougher and the leather products a little more pricey than at Marrakech or Fez. However, in general, the typical selection of presents is accessible, including carpets, scarves, bags, national attire, tea sets, hookahs, ceramics, and other tourist trinkets.

Perhaps you ought to focus on locally produced goods in Moroccan supermarkets. You may purchase a tagine or a Moroccan teapot in Marjane for a reasonable price. Additionally offered are textiles and rugs. I advise purchasing the well-known Moroccan tea and coffee with spices out of all the available products. So to say, bring a little bit of Morocco with you. If you enjoyed the soup at Harira, you may purchase it from a retailer; it won’t be any worse than the soup at a pricey restaurant.

There are a lot of imitations of popular brands in Morocco. This vice is notoriously prevalent in the Third World, but in this region it has outrageous proportions. In any other nation, you would notice “Abidas” and go on your way. Real masterpieces can be found here, including massive Swatch Omega wristwatches, Apple Gucci jeans with a bitten apple on the back pocket, and Louis Vuitton wheeled shopping bags. These searches might be worthwhile if you have the slightest interest in pop art. I haven’t seen trash like it anywhere else.

How to navigate the city


Cabs are a convenient and reasonably priced mode of transportation in Morocco, unlike many other nations. This firstly relates to Petit Taxi city cabs. Small vehicles in Tangier are the hue of a sea wave (in Agadir and Fez – red, in Rabat – blue). The Petit Taxis have meters; it costs Dhs 1.60 and 2.40 at night ($0.16 and $0.24, respectively) to hail a cab in Tangier. It should be noted that rates vary in other Moroccan cities. The entry-level fare is 5 dirhams (50 cents). You may travel to any location in the city, even the most remote ones, for under 20 cents. There are three people in the car, and the driver has the option of picking up a hitchhiker.

It’s best to avoid using the big cabs (Grand Taxi), which are typically old, damaged Mercedes, throughout the city. They have outrageous prices and have no knowledge of the neighborhood at all. However, they may also be advantageous, for instance, on out-of-town travels. Six to eight persons can fit in the cabin, making a trip by rail to a faraway place reasonably priced. A car costs 300 dirhams ($30) to travel to the Spanish territory of Ceuta, which is roughly 80 kilometers from Tangier in Morocco. If you divide this cost by the number of passengers, you get a penny.


Regular ALSA buses can also get you to Tangier; a network of routes successfully connects the entire city and its outskirts. You can get a long way for the price of 3.5 dirhams ($0.35), which is the fare. You can get from Casabarata to the town of Mnar, which has a water park and a stunning lighthouse, by using bus number 16, for instance.

On some routes, particularly long-distance ones, there are unofficial shuttles. A group of enterprising men send their minibus directly in front of the bus, yelling loudly to attract possible passengers as they go. The cost is four dirhams (40 cents).

Auto rental

The range and costs of the available rental automobile.

About Author

Trips Around Morocco


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