Essaouira in Morocco
Essaouira in Morocco

Essaouira in Morocco—what other names could this lovely city have? However, whichever name is used, it has a stunning sound, and when translated from Arabic, it appears to imply “how wonderful.” The name of the city has been pronounced in a variety of ways as a result of the intricate and varied translations from the original Arabic into all major world languages. As an illustration, Essaouira is the name given to it by Americans, Europeans, and others. However, because I was with a European, I have decided to refer to this location as Essaouira in Morocco.

Before I met Essaouira in Morocco, all I knew about the city was that I was perplexed by its names and had seen a few pictures of the port city on Instagram. Essaouira is a port city, an Atlantic neighbor, and going forward, my preferred African city. The saying “the lower the expectations, the more the shocks” is true. Essaouira astonished and pleased me, which is precisely how it turned out for me.

The Portuguese, who once owned the city, left their stamp on the fortress’s construction and the city’s European character. By the way, Daenerys used the fortress as the city where she purchased slaves for her army. I’m sure “Game of Thrones” fans will comprehend me.

Essaouira was the “Mecca” of the hippies in the 1960s as they submerged the city in unbridled freedom.

Essaouira in Morocco is currently a mestizo: an amalgam of the East and the West.

The air in the city is easy and lovely to breathe, smells like the ocean, sounds like screaming seagulls, and tastes like fresh seafood.

One day, I want to move to Essaouira in Morocco and start practicing yoga, listening to music, and surfing. In this city, it’s also impossible to not be in love—with myself, Essaouira, and the other person!

Where are you going?

Essaouira can be reached in a number of ways, but none of them are practical unless you fly, take a bus, or drive a car your own, rented, or passing.

If you’re traveling from anywhere in the world, the ideal choice is to fly to Casablanca or another significant Moroccan city with links to or even stops in a nice region of Europe, and then take a bus or go on your own from there to Essaouira in Morocco. Flying to Spain, taking a ferry to northern Morocco, and then taking a bus or a car to Essaouira are more options.

By air

The 18 km away Essaouira Airport offers both domestic and international service. As a result, flights to the port city are available from both Eurasia and other Moroccan capital cities. Wizz Air, easy Jet, airBaltic, Meridiana, Air Moldova, Airoflot, Royal Air Maroc, Turkish Carriers, and other airlines fly from Moscow alone, but they require two connections to get at least anywhere in Europe, taking 20 to 30 hours of travel time, and costing 150 EUR for a one-way ticket. Only twice a month, these flights also call for a change of airports at some transfer locations. You must acknowledge that we cannot consider this as an option! We can’t fit everything in, since it’s so brief!

Another alternative is to take a 200 EUR six-hour journey from Moscow to Casablanca and then a direct flight from Casablanca to Essaouira. The one-way ticket costs roughly 80 EUR and takes about an hour and a half. Although you’ll save time, you won’t save any money. Only Casablanca has nonstop flights to Essaouira in Morocco.

If traveling by plane is still the best option for reaching Essaouira in Morocco, the helpful website Vandrouki frequently lists fun and affordable methods to reach Arab Africa. For instance, below is a list of flights for December 2017: Only 100 EUR roundtrip for four flights from Tallinn to Milan to Morocco. However, you will be dropped off in Fez, Morocco, and everything is close by, including Essaouira at your feet and transportation options like buses and trains. For residents of St. Petersburg, Tallinn is very accessible and reasonably priced. Additionally, you may find the most convenient and affordable flights here.

Getting there from the airport

From the airport, you may catch a cab to the city center for about 4-5 EUR.

via train

Getting to the port city of Morocco by train is not an option because the country’s superb train service is only available between major towns like Marrakech, Casablanca, and Tangier.

By Bus

Bus travel to the lovely Essaouira is a cheap and practical choice. The port of Essaouira is somehow linked to almost all significant and notable Moroccan cities. Two businesses, CTM and SUPRATOURS, provide bus service. From cities like Agadir, Casablanca, Marrakech, and others, both take direct buses to Essaouira.

We traveled from Marrakech by bus. The journey lasted three hours, and each passenger’s ticket cost roughly four euros. It was inexpensive and quick. However, unlike many others, we rode a local bus instead than a commercial tourist bus, which allowed us to save 4 EUR apiece. And it turned out to be true since we had originally planned to hitchhike to the port town, but we were unsuccessful in doing so. Instead, the bus full of Moroccan revelers boarded before us, and the conductor man leaned out and yelled: “To Essaouira, 40 DH! Get in.” After exchanging glances and nodding in agreement, the bus picked us up and drove off toward the ocean.

In terms of commercial bus pricing, a bus from Marrakech costs 8 EUR, which is twice as much as a typical, jovial Moroccan bus. I’m not familiar with the costs in the other cities. However, for instance, we took a local bus from Essaouira to Casablanca again, and it cost us 7,5 EUR, whereas a commercial one would cost about 15 EUR. Overall, there is a noticeable difference, but the costs are still reasonable, and the buses, having spent some time in Spain, are quite up-to-date and comfortable.

Directions from the bus terminal

You can walk 700 meters to the ocean, the Medina, and all the delights of magnificent Essaouira from the bus terminal, where every bus stops. You won’t need a cab, and walking will be fantastic for meeting new people and getting your bearings in the city as well as asking them for directions to the places you want to see.

By car

Owning or renting a car is the most practical alternative for independent travel since it is constantly available. You can attempt to travel from Russia to Essaouira via Europe, or you can immediately get a four-wheeler in Morocco. Both possibilities are plausible, but the second is more pertinent. Many individuals in Morocco, primarily Americans, are used to this type of transportation. But this travel choice also appeals to our people. Morocco has both paid and free roads, all of which are excellent. And as for renting a vehicle, you may do so by doing it through the websites of rental businesses (like this one), or you can do so once you get in Morocco by haggling with locals for a price. cheaper rental vehicle.

Unfortunately, I don’t yet know how much gasoline, rentals, and roads will cost. I still have a driving trip to Morocco to go:

via ferry

a seaside city that is inaccessible via ferry. It’s for the best, too! Otherwise, tourists would not have been able to reach Essaouira and it would have lost its allure and seaside gifts. Let’s only a little, but this picturesque town is still inaccessible. Additionally, it is simple to go by boat from Spain to Tangier, a port city in northern Morocco. The article about Fez has more information on it.

What season is it? What time is ideal for travel?

Esauir has a subtropical climate, with summers that are frequently hot and muggy and mild winters. The period is thought to be more like summer than winter. The vast ocean and the Gnahua music festival (learn more about the event in the section below on holidays) are probably to blame for everything.

Summertime in Essaouira

The season is summer. merely warmer. Essaouira can reach +33 °C during the day and only drops to 28 °C at night. Additionally, the ocean is currently roughly +25 °C warm. Only the wind, the Gnahua festival, kitesurfing, windsurfing, and a positive attitude can save you.

Essaouira in the Fall

Essaouira experiences a gradual dip in daytime temperatures from +30°C to +25°C during the fall, while nighttime lows hover around +25°C. In the meantime, the ocean warms, to the delight of both surfers and the typical American who doesn’t surf. Esauir, in my opinion, is fantastic in the autumn.

Springtime at Essaouira.

Essaouira has a three-month spring: 20 degrees in March, 25 degrees in April, and 30 degrees in May. That is the temperature during the day; the evenings are only five degrees cooler. In the spring, the Atlantic heats to a comfortable +20 degrees, and swimming is possible. Essaouira can be explored at its best in the spring, and the Gnahua music festival frequently takes place in May.

Wintertime in Essaouira

What a wonderful winter we have—17 degrees! In addition, Essaouira offers perpetual joys in the shape of the city’s summertime mood and access to the seaside nearby.

Essaouira, we entered winter exactly, really enjoyed it, and I even overheated in the sun.

Swimsuits are rare, but sandals and dresses are essential. Even though the ocean was warm (+18 °C), we did not dare to swim in it.

The winter is also extremely nice at night, with a temperature of +10 °C and no heating, but with the sound of the sea and the birds, one may fall asleep soundly and sweetly.

Neighborhoods. Where is the ideal location for living?

If you trust the symbolism on the maps, Essaouira, one of the lesser Moroccan cities, is the only one that resembles a seagull with its wings open. Similar to how Spain is represented by a shirt or Italy by a boot, Essaouira is likewise represented by the seagull, which serves as its own unique symbol.

Seagulls are everywhere in the city because it is a seaport, but for economic reasons, people choose to live closer to seagulls than seagulls do. Essaouira’s riches include two expansive, luxurious beaches, and the remaining portion of the coastline is populated by homes and people yearning for the sound of the waves and the smell of the ocean.

As for the city’s districts, they are only split into the ancient and new areas of town, exactly like most other Moroccan cities. The new section is still relatively young, while the first half has long been known as the Medina.

The most essential features of the Medina are its long history and all aspects of city life. It also has many unique and lovely things. The new one has a lot of avenues, residences that are fairly tall, roads, a bus stop, and the typical urban bustle.

The Medina, whether in Fez, Chefchaouen, or Esauir, draws all foreign visitors for whatever reason just because they are in Morocco. And until the very last second of their stay in the city, this force remains in effect. So it appears that discovering a new area of the city is simply impossible. And whether it stems from a strong desire to return to the city more than once and then to see everything, including every avenue of the new Essaouira, or from the fact that we, as civilized people, want so much to be in silence and calm for a while.

Everything is carefully considered when it comes to urban dwelling. There are accommodations for all preferences and abilities in both the new and the old. A double room costs 16 euros, a mansion costs 350 euros, and a hostel costs 5 euros per night. On Booking, you can make a reservation in advance and compare prices.

The beaches, the harbor, and the bus terminal are all close by, and if you’re visiting Esauir for the first time, stay in the Medina to really immerse yourself in the ambiance of the city.

based on my own experience.

In Esauir, we stayed at the cool and mysterious Atlantic Hostel. This hostel is reasonably priced, quite well-liked, but its most notable quality is its extreme energy. Local bystanders who pass by in Medina can help you locate it because it is situated there.

In actuality, this hostel is a part of another, whose name I’ve forgotten but which is located directly across the hall. Initially, we were staying there, but the circumstances were completely different from those of Atlantic Hostel; specifically, the hostel was more of a place for sleeping, which meant that it was only occupied at night. With music, chess, cards, a guitar, and the terrace, the Atlantic Hostel was bustling with activity and good times. With its small terrace, a hammock, and a person’s sleeping space right on the roof, the neighboring hostel appeared deserted and lonely. Although overall it seemed good, this hostel was also a sort of warehouse for surfers, so we moved to Atlantic Hostel.

The hostel’s staff members are kind and outgoing. The accommodations are cozy and nicely furnished in traditional Moroccan design. The hostel also has a kitchen, and once a week or so, Moroccan meal is prepared there. They prepare tajine, couscous, or something else, which is subsequently distributed among the group. It’s a terrific way to meet new people and learn about Moroccan culture. The hostel also runs a surf school with qualified instructors and all the necessary gear. Although we haven’t yet learned how to surf or tried it, we have a long way to go!

The patio at Atlantic Hostel is also a standout feature. It is large, fashionable, sunny, and equipped with a sea of sofas and cushions as well as a small bar with stunning views of the entire Essaouira In Morocco. The terrace is truly amazing, the coolest I have ever encountered, and if I had my way, I wouldn’t want to leave.

There is a breakfast available on the terrace every morning for 3–4 EUR, but you can also have breakfast on your own by purchasing adjacent fresh fruit and oriental sweets, then eating it all while observing the seagulls and enjoying the sunshine. In fact, we did exactly that.

In fact, even if you don’t like staying at Atlantic Hostel, you will undoubtedly find its patio to be interesting to visit.

How much does a vacation cost?

Prices! How much weight we give this subject! Additionally, Morocco is not a place where everything is permanent and stable. Morocco is a place where you may exchange or bargain on anything. Although there isn’t a system there, there are tourists, and certainly, that is what truly differentiates it. What costs pennies to residents costs rubles to visitors. And although it seems right, it’s not at all equitable.

One thing you must realize is that if you behave like a tourist, you will pay like one, and if you behave like a local, you will save 99 kopecks for more essential things. Arabs, after all, always get what they want and, with the aid of negotiation, arrive at a compromise. Really, there’s no need to complicate matters; both the seller and the buyer are interested in one another, so why shouldn’t they get to know one another? Overall, the vendor and the customer come to an agreement on the price in Morocco, and it is quite helpful and interesting to study such a system on Moroccan land.

And if everything else is equal, it is reasonable to pay for housing in the range of 3 to 5 EUR per night with the barest necessities and facilities, and you can eat filling and delicious food for the same price in any well-known but not too opulent Moroccan restaurant (about this below in the section what and where to try).

primary draws. Things to See

The best way to navigate Essaouira, the lightest city in Morocco, is to walk, breathe deeply, and keep your eyes open. The most crucial thing is to take your time, snap a ton of beautiful pictures, and smile at everyone you see. And the appeal can be found in even the smallest of particulars, like a particle of sand beside the Atlantic, a local child’s shoelace, or a seagull’s flight path. Keep an eye out and trust your gut!

Top 5

  1. Port. Esauir Port is the quintessential real life of the city. There is a sea of blue boats, cheeky seagulls, fresh fish and Moroccan shouts. It’s a must-see, must-hear, must-feel!
  2. Garden. Othello’s Garden Esauir is the only green area in the city, providing plenty of oxygen and energy for your upcoming walks.
  3. Street vendors selling a wide variety of Moroccan crafts that are more beautiful to look at than they are to purchase.
  4. The strange streets are hidden from sight. The best way to learn to know Essaouira in Morocco completely is to just go around the city and let yourself get lost in it.
  5. Beaches. Where can you go without the Atlantic and the sands brought in from the Sahara? You can surf, swim, kemarize in the sun, picnic and count the stars there.

Beaches. which ones are the top.

Long, sandy beaches in Esauir have a gradual ocean entry and a constant breeze of freedom and change.

There are two such beaches in the city: one, known as Tagart, is close to the port on the Medina’s right side if you’re looking out to sea toward America, while the other is, if you believe the google map, virtually outside the municipal limits. To get to the second one, we had to walk for about 20 minutes past a local flea market, desolate beaches, and stunning ocean views. The beach was wild and empty when we visited in January, but it was also extremely lovely. All you can do at this moment on the beach is listen to the ocean, The beach was wild and empty when we visited in January, but it was also extremely lovely. On the beach right now, your only options are to enjoy the sun, grin at the sun, and fly in the wind. You can still surf (more on that below), catch waves, and have a driving picnic.

The beaches are undoubtedly altered and filled with various infrastructure at other seasons of the year, not to mention the influx of tourists looking for exotic African beaches.

But in my opinion, vacations on the Moroccan Atlantic are only worthwhile if you surf because the water is typically too chilly and windy for swimming and the sun is typically highly abrasive. It appears that in certain regions, an extreme ocean holiday is required rather than a traditional beach vacation.

By the way, camels frequently graze on Essaouira’s beaches and promote peace.

Things to do in a day

Essaouira in Morocco was our home for only five days, which was far too little time. Essaouira is one of those cities where you have to stay for several months or perhaps years to fully experience what it has to offer. But if you suddenly find yourself with just one day and one chance to fall in love with Essaouira forever, then follow the plan:

  1. 6:00 a.m. – Welcome the dawn from the patio of Atlantic Hostel while getting to know the individual seagulls and identifying the proper wave.
  2. Leave for the goat-climbers at 7:00. (read more below).
  3. 9:00 – Make yourself a decent breakfast with local fruits, yoghurt, and a warm Moroccan bun outside on the terrace.
  4. 10:00 am – Time to relax in the sun by the Atlantic on the city’s left beach while learning to surf or honing your skills.
  5. 13:00 – Arrive at Essaouira’s port, purchase fresh seafood, and deliver it to the neighborhood smokehouse. Feel the sweetness of hunger and enjoy the flavor of the cooked fish.
  6. 15:30 – Go back to Medina to stroll the streets and take pictures of the people there.
  7. Following the buzzing sound, head to cane juices at 16:00 to relieve your thirst and go souvenir buying.
  8. 17:00 – go around the town and follow the Esauir cats to the arcade (read more below).
  9. Rent a bike, stock up on falafel pita and oriental sweets, and head to the beach on the right side of town for a lavish picnic to bid farewell to the blazing sun at 18:00.
  10. The unending bright day in Esauir comes to an end at 21:00 when you return to Medina for a concert of Moroccan music at the magnificent central cafe (read more below). To ask myself why I would travel anywhere if I could stay in a city forever.

What to do and see in the area

Ever come across a goat climber? I haven’t either, but they claim it’s significant.

Goats in Morocco consume the rich argan berries that grow on the trees since the soil there is so dry. By the way, argan tree fruits are also very beneficial to humans. They are used in Morocco to create edible and cosmetic oils, as well as creams and other beneficial products.

And in the towns of Afra and Imzi, which are situated between Essaouira and Agadir, you can find these Moroccan goats grazing on trees (100 km from Essaouira). Although I’m afraid I can’t tell you how much time and money it will take, the best method to go there is either by car or cab. However, don’t forget to haggle the price of the journey.

Any hostel in Essaouira can actually advise you on the best possibilities. Sometimes they are closer to such communities than “how and how much to go to the goat-climbing attraction,” but there is no way to be certain.

The goats are free to be observed and there are no time restrictions, but you may only take pictures of them with the shepherd’s consent. In addition, be wary because some Moroccan shepherds may use such an attraction to make a sneaky profit.

What to Try in Food

Eating seafood is a smart move in a city by the sea! Essaouira in Morocco is incredibly generous with her seafood offerings, including rare species of fish and sea urchins. Have you ever had sea urchins for dinner? This is delightful, odd as it may be. For a penny, you can sample these urchins in taverns by the sea or in the city’s port. Although not everyone will enjoy such opulent delicacies, like me, you should definitely try them and enjoy them.

Like other Moroccan cities, Esauir also produces and sells cane sugar-based juices in addition to the sea. Although they are highly sweet, they are excellent for quenching thirst and improving mood. Juicer carts from those bygone eras are still present along the main street of the city’s medina, facing the ocean, and long green canes protrude from them on all sides. These machines whirr loudly, but they handle the canes quickly; after a few minutes, you have the juice for about 0.4 EUR in your pocket.

Esauir’s falafel is also excellent. They cook it everywhere, but the square in front of the port has the best. It cost me 1 EUR in a pita with vegetables.

A tiny bakery is also located somewhere in the medina. There are therefore delicious Moroccan cookies there. Even though we had a lot of stuff packed, we only paid 0.3 EUR for it all.

In addition to the bizarre Esauir cuisine, there is also the customary classic Moroccan cuisine, about which you may read here and here.

preferred locations

The most crucial aspect is to allow yourself enough time to sample the local fish. Additionally, pick only the most recent fish urchins, fish, and other living things that can be discovered in the Atlantic, straight from the sea, while they are still breathing. All of this is occurring in the port of Essaouira in Morocco, which is the city’s busiest and pungent-smelling area. A sea of different kinds of fish, an unceasing swarm of ravenous seagulls, and Moroccan traders attracting customers make this harbor special. Hone your trade abilities by picking the fish with the most alluring smile and the merchant. We spent about 3 EUR on three large, delicious fish.

Once the fish is in your possession, all that remains is to locate a harbor restaurant where the fish will be prepared. For a complete rack, they charge roughly 2 EUR. On the image below, you can see our fish with hot water. All three of our fish fit into one grill. Bread and water are delivered right there, and you may also request other Moroccan specialties, teas, and soft beverages. However, this location has two crucial features:

  1. There are always a lot of people there, both locals and visitors, and it appears to be the sole location in the port. A table will become available for you with a little patience and some additional waiting.
  2. The issue is that despite being cooked in a clean state, the fish doesn’t appear to have been washed and cleansed. When should you wash it? Since there is only one grill and we frequently have guests, it is simply not worth it. Nevertheless, don’t feel bad; omit the fish skin; you’ll save time and your stomach.

However, if you don’t want to go to the port or you don’t have much time, you can eat lunch or dinner in one of the ten (as far as I can recall) bars that are located near the port’s entrance. The waiters and cooks in the tenth tavern will all beg you to enter as soon as you approach the first establishment. Every Moroccan wants to make money off a foreigner, and there is fierce competition. In the taverns, everything is typically simpler but much more expensive. There are, however, numerous excellent discounts there. For instance, a basket containing a little bit of everything (fish, squid, shrimp, urchins, etc.) costs 10 EUR. The urchins we sampled there were extremely tasty, but the port and its regional quirks continue to rank highly.


One must attend the Gnahoua Music Festival while in Esauir!

A blend of all things African, Berber, and Arabic, Gnaoua is a black culture that weaves together traditions, practices, and rhythms.

Every year, the celebration is held on the beaches of Essaouira in Morocco, in the Medina, and throughout the city’s cozier neighborhoods. Every year in May and June, Essaouira in Morocco bursts into music and revelry for three to four unforgettable days, for which people travel from all over the world.

With the beats of the drums, guitars, djembes, and other ethnic instruments, trance chants, and dancing all over the place, it must be very spectacular.

I already knew about this festival in Esaura, but I made the decision that I would return someday and take in this wonderful Gnaua.

The festival allegedly used to be a public, free event, but like many other things in the modern world, it has since turned into a business. Because of this, entry is not as affordable; a ticket for the entire four-day festival, for instance, costs roughly 60 EUR. Although it appears to be quite inexpensive, the essential thing is worthwhile! Additionally, it occasionally occurs for the spirit of the event to vanish as a result of commercialization. In any case, you must visit the Gnahua Festival to experience it for yourself.

Safety. What to be wary of

Morocco is not about 100% security. And you should exercise caution in Esauir as well as other African-Arab cities. Arabs can steal, but only with your express permission. It is obviously not worth it to leave stuff unattended or to have money sticking out of your pocket. He won’t stop to consider, he’ll just accept that an Arab is not a Korean. Things left abandoned are obviously nobody’s, thus they may be mine. I need it if you have money sticking out of your pocket because it’s not that pricey and significant. Essaouira in Morocco isn’t a bad person, but there is a lot of thievery.

Particularly with visitors and Moroccans selling hash browns, the city comes to life at night. Nearly reminds me of Amsterdam! The sellers, especially the Arab vendors, are constantly demanding and clingy. So simply practice patience and continue.

Things to do

Here are some other activities to engage in off the Atlantic coast in addition to daily strolls in the enchanted village of Esauir, surfing, eating seafood, and curiously observing rock climbing goats:

  • Discover live music in a multi-story esauir bar every night. The bar’s name escapes me, although it is well-known and impossible to miss. A sign Live music will direct you. The music in this location is excellent and organic and melodious, despite the fact that it is a little touristy and obvious. Though it won’t be as inexpensive as at the dock or on the esauer streets, you can eat at the bar. Additionally, refreshments there such mint tea start at 2 EUR. The bar’s top also features a small terrace. You can hear the sounds and see the nighttime city lights from the terrace. Don’t let the chance pass you by!
  • to locate the neighborhood casino, which was hidden in one of the city’s winding streets. There are constantly screams of victory coming from inside, and its doors are always open. There are often people playing billiards, foosball, and all types of machines there. Bright colors are used for the walls’ painting, but it has probably been a while since someone gave them a fresh coat. Nevertheless, the location’s style and toughness are enhanced by the peeling paint. While the local children and elderly men enjoy themselves there, we only visited once and by accident. Hundreds of thousands of cats were leading us there as they prowled the city looking for food and shelter. They are the best guides in town, so follow them. Who knows, maybe you too will be able to feel the energy of that magnificent arcade.

Extreme sport

Essaouira in Morocco treasure is the Atlantic, and a surfer’s paradise with its powerful winds and enormous waves. It’s all here in plenty, which explains why surfers from all over the world, including novices, amateurs, and experts, swarm the city from November to April.

In Esauir, traditional surfing, kitesurfing, and windsurfing are all trendy, well-liked, and quite cool.

Unfortunately, I don’t know much about surfing yet, but I do know that the best time to go surfing is from November to April, and that the best time to go kite- and windsurfing is from March to October, when the waves are smaller and the wind is stronger and sweeps everything away. To be able to fly and float at the same time must be incredibly wonderful!

On the beach in Essaouira, you can also surf or take surfing lessons, but the best spots, Moulay and Sidi Kaouki, are about 25 km away. I’m not sure how to get there, but it’s most likely only by themselves, either in a car or on a bike.

There are many surf schools in Esauir, one of which is at Atlantic Hostel, for individuals who, like myself, are novice to surfing. Everyone who attends this school is completely satisfied, the surf guys are extremely friendly, and all the equipment is available for rent. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of all the pricing either, so contact the hostel.

There are a number of surf shops in the Medina of the city, including one called Gipsy Surfer, where you can not only buy cool surf gear but also rent equipment, get a fantastic instructor, and even mend your surf, if necessary. By calling the shop directly, you may learn the costs for all of these treats.

Additionally, Esauir frequently hosts surf camps and trips. You can find helpful information on this subject here and here.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

From Essaouira, you can bring something with an ocean or musical theme, whether it’s a surfer board, albeit in the form of a craftsman keychain, or one of the classic Moroccan musical instruments.

  • Surfer stuff.
  • Musical instruments.

Additionally, I’m sure those who enjoy sticking stickers and patches to their laptops and backpacks will agree that the Esauir stalls offer the best selection. They cost 0,50 EUR each, and in my opinion they make great keepsakes from the continent where surfing and music originated.

  • Essaouira style stickers and patches.

Essaouira in Morocco is also teeming with stores selling a variety of hippy and boho apparel. Essaouira in Morocco was once a paradise for hippies. So, fans of these fashions will find mementos of this kind to be quite appealing.

  • Bohemian and hippie attire.

Additionally, Esauir has magnificent book stores with tales in every language spoken on earth. If you have a buddy who unexpectedly picks up Arabic, French, or any other language, bring him one of the countless Esauir books, and he will be overjoyed.

  • Esauir writings.

Of course, there are a ton of other wonderful things in Esauir, but are they truly unique and Esauirian? There are flying carpets, alladin lamps, paintings, henna, a sea of spices, and dates, yet all of these things are also valued and well-liked in other regions of Morocco. By the way, you can read more about traditional Moroccan souvenirs here and here. Additionally, the argan trees—where the local goats graze—must be brought from Essaouira in Morocco(I wrote about it in the section “What to see in the area”). In addition to being sold as creams of every description, argan is also sold as oils, both cosmetic and culinary. The fruit’s value lies in its ability to regulate blood cholesterol levels, saturate a large amount of fatty acids, and impart the flavor of almonds and hazelnuts to dishes. Generally speaking, discussing the advantages of argan oil is like philosophizing; you should just try it and make it a regular habit as part of your eco-life. What a practical keepsake of the Esauir ocean, even though argan oil is readily available and only costs 1 EUR for a half-liter bottle!

  • Argan.

How to navigate the city

How do I navigate the city? There isn’t a better way than on your own or by bike. The Medina is where the city’s most fascinating attractions are located, and as is customary, driving is not permitted there. As for renting bikes, it’s simple to do so at hostels and the main rental shop. You can also borrow a local Moroccan’s bike if you become friends with him, or you can get caught up in crime and steal one of the numerous fashionable bikes parked in the area’s winding streets. Of course, I’m joking, but who knows:)

Cab. What peculiarities are there?

In Morocco, using a cab is fairly easy and reasonably priced. Additionally, in Esauir, you generally won’t need one. Unless you want to take a cab and have it drop you off outside the city limits for hitchhiking, which is precisely what we did, to travel from the local airport to the city center or vice versa. You don’t need to worry about finding and waiting for a cab since as soon as a foreigner leaves Medina, a sea of cabs surrounds him. Additionally, there are always retinues of recognized yellow cabs close to the airports.

Only cash may be used to pay for cab rides, so it’s best to ask how much the journey will cost before you let yourself inflate the price. The Moroccans frequently overcharge, yet nobody cancels the bids here either. The short answer is that our “trip out of town to the highway” cost 3 EUR for two people. By the way, hitchhiking in Morocco is a great idea, so if you decide on the spur of the moment, do it anyway and you won’t regret it:

Auto rental

In Morocco, you can rent a vehicle. There, the car rental system is efficient and well-developed. You only need an international driving license and around 50 EUR each day, ignoring taxes, insurance, and other crucial factors, to join this system. Compared to European standards, Moroccan gasoline is comparatively less expensive. You can use this page to find out how much the car you’re interested in costs in any Moroccan city.

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Trips Around Morocco


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